chapter one

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        "your work is like something that came out of Micheal Angelo's hinnie"he said "you call that art even my dog's puke is more elegant and prettier than this" i stared blankly at him trying to process what he had just said 'if my work was placed up beside your ,your would be mistaken for colorful tissue and it would be used to clean up spilled milk" he continued "do you really think you are that good" i said when i finally found my voice "i know i'm that good" he boosted "or you want to compete with me because i'm sure your work doesn't stand a chance against mine".i should have said no but his word stung me like a bee's bite, i looked at him and hissed"you better be ready,the best artist wins" i said taking up the competition, maybe next time i wouldn't accept anything without thinking twice.who was i kidding i was never going beat Evan,he was the popular artist that everyone knows at school, he is hot ,cute and smart; wait a minute,what am i doing thinking that my opponent s cute, i think i need my brain check."fine, the drawing is in 3d ,the student body get to pick the winner and the loser has to burn all their artworks"he blabbered.i presume this guy is a dick,burning my artworks !,he must be crazy.this great, just great.i have decided that i hate this guy,i am good at drawing but not 3d and i can't burn my artwork,this is so unfair.i looked at Greg for help but he just held my hand and took me out of class.i hated today already,and this is not how my day started  i have to go back to how everything began.

         i woke up to photographs by Ed Sheeran playing from my alarm radio, i had my shower, got in to a house shirt , pair of worn out jeans and a pair sneakers , i wear this mainly on mondays  because i have art class and i dont want to get my nicer clothes ruined. i had breakfast and headed to the bus stop where Greg always waits for me;Greg has been my best friend since pre-school ,we have been friend for like since we were born. i spotted him leaning on the pole that had stop written on it , his grey eyes could be notice from a far and his smile was one of a kind.he smiled when he saw me coming "morning kai"  that's his pet name for my name which is kaile .i smiled him and waved ,he was holding something in his hand , it was a case. "what's that"  i said still staring at it "it a present for you from  my mom"  he staring down at me, Greg's mom loves me she is always buying me things and always cajoling me to marry Greg and trust me if he wasn't my best friend may be i would have tried but we actually tried it back in 9th grade,everyone had said we would make a great couple,so we decided to try it out.we had gone out for a week and when it was high time to make out, we both just found it odd to try so we ended our dating chapter though Greg's mom still want me to marry her son."so what is it this time" i asked,placing my hands forward "its pencils" he said bluntly ,i grabbed it from him and took a close was a wooden box with a black and white poka dot bow,when i opened it ,there were so many shades and type of pencils from 6b to charcoal and some much more."oh thank you Greg its beautiful" i said jumping up to give him a kiss on the cheek, he smiles "you should thank my mom not me ,she's the one that bought it and can you also tell her to stop bribing you to marry me" he said "i will try".the walk to school is usually short, it takes us a few minutes to get there.anyways once i am in art class ,the super artist Evans walks in,Greg looks at me wishing he didn't have to be here because i forced him.Evans looks around at every ones work and chuckles before sitting down, i have no artwork around because i only go there to listen to what our teacher has to say and practice on my own.Evans just always feels good about himself just because everyone things his artwork is the best,i just think it's wack because it just almost the same thing.the center piece are a pair of beautiful emerald green eyes;like mine but without the adjective beautiful that's why i wear blue contacts lens;then the rest of it is just paint been poured in different ways and they call it art.

               my day was going pretty well until my house business interrupted my school business;my mom came to mom is not cool,she is a drunk who cant get money  to feed us,it's not that i hate her ,it's just that i don't know. she comes in with one of my artworks and i a very squeaky voice she said "Kaile baby, i brought your art thingy" she smiled innocently,Greg moved in to take it from her as i turned to see Evans laughing at my mom and me ,my face mom left right after that.the teacher took a look at my work and congragulated me and i saw Evans move closer,he took one look, snickered and said "rubbish" .  "like you can do better, this better than your piles of garbage"yes that was me talking because i had we all know what happened after that the insults,the competition,so lets just go to the part where Greg takes me out of the class. "dont do it kai"  he whispers in to my ear, tears were in my eyes,i held on to him "i have to he need to learn a lesson" i said back he hesitated for a while maybe thinking "do what u want guess i will just have to support you"  he finally said  "thank you Greg thank you".  what a nice morning isn't it,this how my life took a big twist for the worse! or for good!, well i don't know myself.  

 pls dont for get to vote or leave comments pls i am open to ideas and pls dont forget its not edited


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