chapter two

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a  i have tried hard to write something good, I hope you liked it

          Greg walked me home and lead me to my room "are you sure you are okay" he asked, I see no reason why he had to take me home, I was feeling okay, I guess. i nodded not wanting to look up at him, Greg has never seen me cry, I felt insecure and small right then. he took a loose strain  of my hair and placed it at the back of my ear. " everything is going to be alright kai "he said, this is getting serious, he has said the same thing over and over again. I found the courage to look up at him, "I know every thing is going to fine, I am just thinking about losing and burning everything" I whined. "he can't be serious about it can he" he asked like he didn't know Evans. I looked really hard at him "sorry for ever saying that" he said and I chuckled ." but seriously  I will be here to help you when you need me "he smiled and I smiled back , Greg is my only remedy to sadness. we were up in my room talking, when the oddest thing happened. i was  telling him how much he had change since we were little, we were both laughing when it happened , i don't know how it happened but it did, we kissed, it was slow and careful like it was practiced on his part. when we stopped we just stared at each other for a while "well that was odd" he said " I know but atleast  we are making your mom proud" I said laughing but he didn't laugh back ,his face was serious "what?, it was funny" I told him  "what does it mean " he asked "what does the kiss mean", "nothing it was just a kiss it always happens" it doesn't always happen, I had just kissed my hot best friend and I think I liked it "so you mean we can do this always " he raised his eyebrow "if you want to" i answered as my cheeks turned red "how about now" he asked and I  didn't answer, i guess he took it as a yes because he kissed me again.

         The next day we came to school hand in hand ;it not like we are dating or anything, we were just in love with kissing each other, no emotions involved I guess. I had totally forgotten about the competition until I saw the poster "he made a freaking poster ,Greg a freaking poster, is he that jobless" I was angry. Greg  was chuckling behind me. the poster had his face on it, with the words 'come, see my art on Friday, you will be blown away.' I stared at the poster and wondered why I couldn't be happy without been sad. "we have to go kai " he said tugging at my arm " I am coming "I said turning to see his troubled face. i took the poster off the wall and ripped it in half "stupid fag" i said. for the rest of the day we just had classes, kissed at any secret places,it was fun and exciting . we got detention for sneeking in to the teacher's lounge during classes; classes were boring don't blame us. i was actually worried all day, I hadn't found someone to tutor me on how to draw in 3D and I had art class again as my last class for today. i was dragging my  feet through the hallway, I really didn't want to go to that class today and besides Greg wasn't coming with me today ,he had biology. when I entered the class, everyone was gathered round Evans, i walked up to the gathering and frowned, there was a 3D drawing by him . he was smiling with pride, " and this is just one of my best drawing" screw him;  "yeah right" i said alittle bit louder than I excepted "ooh when did you come in" Evans said as his eyes squeezed in distaste , I snickered at him "ooh I didn't know you existed" I said under my breath as I smiled " I just came in and I was wondering  what was going on " i said out loud and he smiled at me, not the I care to show smile but you are going to regret your statement one." I was just showing the class how I am going to get your butt kicked at the competition " he boosted ,I stared at it in this believe, it was beautiful, I felt my stomach twist in a bad way, how could I ever bite this. "it pretty good but not as good as mine " I aid and again I wasn't thinking twice, Evan smiled but hurt filled his eyes "yeah sure why don't you bring it to class tomorrow " he suggested "sure what ever" I replied, still wondering why my head couldn't control my mouth, how was I going to get a 3D drawing by tomorrow; things I get myself into. our teacher came in after that and we went to our seats, she discussed about the artists in the gothic era all through the class; i hate when there are no practicals during class but that's what happens on Tuesday art class.when the bell got rung for school over the teacher held us back " well, I got something today from the board of directors.........." she began but I zoned out until I heard my name, I turned to ace the girl beside me " sorry what did she say?" the girl looked alittle annoyed but she told me either way, she said the teacher told us that there was an art camp for the summer but was only for two weeks, she also said that there was a sponsorship for two her student and she choose me and the girl sitting next to me, I would have said her name but I don't remember. at first I was shocked, I wondered if she had forgotten her star artist Evan but he didn't seem to bothered he just had a smug look on his face and when our eyes met ,a weird smile spread across his lips, I just had to look away.

            detention is nobody example of fun, you just sit and stared at the dozing teacher and try not to laugh when someone tries to get a spit ball into his open mouth, it was sometimes fun but it still was a waste of time. today was fun though ,Greg sat beside me and we passed notes to each other ,they slightly nasty but that's what friends do right, any how it was just Greg and I that were in detention, so the teacher in charge left earlier than he was surpose to. we found it as an opportunity to make out, I got up and sat on his lap." I have been think about you " he whispered in a husky tone ; don't think we are friends with benefits, we are not we just like kissing each other, 'yeah right' my mind said , " I have been thinking of you too" I said , looking in his eyes 'you love him'    a little voice said in my head and I don't love ,do  I love as a friend,  yes but a lover, I'm not so sure. "what ?, why are you staring at me" he asked ,"it nothing I said leaning in to kiss him. maybe I love him, just maybe but what he doesn't love me back, what kind of shit do I get myself in to!!!!!!


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