Cookies or Cake?

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"Sadie!! Sadie, can you help me with something?"

"Sure mom, I'll be down stairs in a minute."

Let me tell you, I really hate living in a two story house sometimes. Especially after a game. Tennis is not an easy sport to play in the winter. Take it form someone who knows. By the time I reach the kitchen where my mom is I can already feel my legs turning to jelly.

"Hey mom, what was it that you needed my help with?" I asked while sitting on the bar stool.

"Well, there is a new family moving into the old Mansker house next door and for the life of me I cannot decide whether I should make them some cookies or a cake!"

"Mom, they're just new neighbors. It's not like the president is moving in," I said rolling my eyes.

"Since when are you against baking desserts?"

"Um since I turned like ten. I'm not a little kid mom, the kitchen isn't my favorite place to be anymore."

"I think that little pouch on your tummy disagrees. Don't you think?" she questioned raising her eyebrows.

"Look who's talking."

"At least I don't weigh myself and then cry and eat a pint of ice cream along with all of my feelings about being chubby. I accept the truth."

"I'm only 95 pounds at 5'1"," I protested.

"Keep telling yourself that dear."

I couldn't help but turn red. With that comment I shut up and pulled out the cookie dough from the freezer. If I am going to bake something then I am going to at least get some of what I am making. Plus, having my legs be in this much pain deserves cookies made by my mother. As much as she can annoy me sometimes, the woman can bake.

"Okay, I want you to go over there and introduce yourself and bring the cookies. I have to go grab Joshua from summer school then I'll go to meet them myself."

"What?! Why can't we just wait till you get home?" I protested.

"Because if you are not going over there to get acquainted with our lovely new neighbors then you can come with me to Nouvel."

"They will know me like the back of their hand by the time you get back! I love you mommy, please don't drag me to that horrible place again!" I pleaded whilst clinging to her in a bear hug.

Just to brief you guys on Nouvel High, it is a Catholic high school. Nouvel is where the extremely religious, or the extremely bad kids go. It is basically a correctional high school that brain washes kids into thinking that they are absolutely incompetent and crushes their spirits. As you can probably guess, yes I did go to this school. But luckily for me it was only for three months. Do not fret my child, I shall explain it all to you another time.

Well, I guess it is time to 'meet the Fockers'. I wrapped the plate of cookies with some saran wrap and stuck a little sticky note with all of our names on it. "Hopefully you guys like peanut butter cookies..." I slipped on a jacket and began the short journey to the mystery house.

Knock... Knock... Knock. Now we wait.

The door slowly creaked open to reveal a tall man with dark grey hair and a silver button up shirt. IT'S SHOW TIME!!!! 

"Hello sir, my name is Sadie McAlester. I live next door and wanted to introduce myself to you guys. I also baked some peanut butter cookies for you guys. My mother is picking up my older brother Joshua from summer school and will be over to say hello when they get back," I said with the brightest smile that I could muster.

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