Legos and Paper Planes

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I am not looking forward to having this kid as my neighbor. Not only is he living in the house next door, but his room is directly across from mine. Our windows literally face eachother and are about five feet apart. As you can imagine, I've been paranoid for the past 24 hours.

Since I have no life and no friends I pulled out my iPad mini and opened up wattpad so that I could read my books. This activity was shortly interrupted by the sound of something smacking against my window.

Just ignore it Sadie. It's nothing.


Don't get up Sadie. Just keep reading the book and do not throw a shoe at whatever is causing that noise. You cannot go back to Nouvel.


Agh fuck it.

I pulled up my blinds to see what was hitting my window, and to no surprise at all it was Hayes. He threw another small object at the window and motioned for me to open it.

"What do you want?!" I barked as I slid open the window.

He didn't respond. Just smiled and held up a piece of paper.

"What is that?" I questioned with annoyance clear in my voice. Instead or answering my question he threw the folded paper into my room and shut his window.

Oh my god this kid is weird.

I walked over and picked up the paper that was folded into an airplane. Oh how original. Once I unfolded the little plane I saw the writing that was inside.

"Wanna play truth or dare?"

I grabbed a marker off of my desk and wrote back, "no thanks." And fold it again. Then I went back to the window. He was sitting on the other side of his waiting. So I motioned for him to open the window and sent the paper plane back once he did. I shut my window and blinds then laid back on my bed to read again.


Of coarse it isn't over.

I rush back to the window and throw it open, but this time the window was already up before the small object could hit it. Thus meaning it flew across the five foot gap and into my room. I bend down to see what he tossed into my room and picked up a tiny 2x2, red plastic brick.

"Why are you throwing Legos at my window?" I interrogated.

"Because I couldn't find anything else," he sassed back.

"Are you gonna ever pick up the ones that fell when they bounced off the glass?"

"Maybe. Why do you care?"

"Because I'll end up doing it if my mother sees them thinking they're my little brother Danny's," I retorted.

"Wait a minute. Why does a 16 year old boy have Legos?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. "That's a little childish don't you think?"

"No! They belong to my sister anyways," he pouted.

"Oh sure they do," I laughed.

Next thing I know he chucks another one at me. I pick it up to throw it back at him, but on my way up another one comes soaring through the open window. This time the Lego landed in no other place than... My bra. This resulted in Hayes busting out laughing and me turning red with anger.

"Are you kidding me?" I screamed.

"I'd be more than happy to pick that one up if you'd like," he winked.

"You sir are an asshole!" I yelled getting more furious as he laughed.

"Sadie Jordan McAlester! Get down here right now!" I hear my mother scream.

"Shit," I whisper under my breath. "See what you've done?!" I bark back at Hayes.

That little prick is gonna get me thrown back into Nouvel! I can't handle him next door already, so going to the same school would be involuntary suicide!

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" My mom scolded.

"Mom, I'm sorry it's not my fault. I was..."

"Just like how New Years wasn't your fault?" She spoke cutting me off.

"Don't you dare bring that up right now. That was not my fault and I still took the fall for Joshua. Can I at least explain why I said that?" I pleaded.

"Yes, please do explain why you called our new neighbor's son an 'asshole'," she said with sarcasm boiling in her throat.

"Look, I was on wattpad reading. Then all of a sudden I hear something hit my window. At first I tried to ignore it, but the sound got really annoying really quickly. Sooo I pulled up the blinds to see what it was. Hayes was sitting behind his open window, so I opened mine to ask what he was doing. That is when he through a paper plane through the window. I read it and threw it back then shut my window to go back to reading. He threw more Legos at my window so I opened it again and told him to leave me alone, but he threw another Lego and it landed in my shirt. He started laughing and I got mad. Then he said 'want me to pick that up for you?' And that is when I called him... What I called him," I spat out.

"Sadie  this is not okay. I just pulled you out of Nouvel because you made a lot of progress and now you are starting to relapse. Do you want to go back there? 'Cause if you don't I highly suggest you get yourself in check pronto."

"I'm sorry okay? He threw a Lego down my shirt can you really blame me for that?"

"Yes I can Sadie. A responsible teenager would have either not opened that window, or would have told their parent what happened rather than calling their neighbor an asshole!" She yelled absolutely infuriated. "No more mess ups okay? This is your last chance, or you can say goodbye to Andy and Alex and all your other friends at Aurthor Hill," she threatened.

"Yes ma'am. It won't happen again."

"For your sake I hope it doesn't. You can go back to your room now."

I walked sluggishly back to my room and flopped down on my bed. I wish this I didn't have to live in this world.

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