Dallas ❤️

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The class was over I took my stuff and went to the locker and there he was..
-Stewart-he said
-Dallas you are here- I said

Dallas, Cameron Dallas the most incredible guy I have ever known and one of my best friends,he is an authentic troublemaker I saved him from jail once because he almost sets fire to the school.
He is just unbelievable is the type of guy your parents want away.
He is a bad guy  I always had a big crush on bad guys but with Dallas it  was only friendship.
He is just a legend, is a mistery that he had never been expelled

-How was your summer babe- he said
-Great I went to Canada-I said
- I had to do community service- he said
-Again why?-I said
-I destroyed  my neighbors front yard -he said smiling
-Well I gotta go,see you at break-I said smiling

Cam narrating
-Hey Dallas-Bryce said
-What do you want ?- I said
-So Mia and you have something going on-he said
-What do you mean?-I said
-Are you guys dating?-he asked
-I have to go-I said while I took my stuff
-I'm just saying that because you're not the only one who wants to date her- he said
-Look if you ever get near her I will... -I
-You will what - he said
From nowhere a really familiar voice came by
-Hi Bryce em, I was thinking that we could go out somewhere one of these days-Tracy Morgan said
-Sure Tracy-Bryce said
-Well I have to go- I said

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