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Hanna and Caleb got married in there dream venue and had a honeymoon in Hawaii. Tom did try to break Hanna and Caleb up, as he seemed to have an attachment disorder but it is under control now. 2 years after their marriage they had a little girl named Izzy, which Caleb and Hanna adored. When Izzy was 3 the couple wanted a sibling for her. As Caleb spent his childhood in foster, Hanna and Caleb decided that they would adopt a little boy who was six months old. His name was Leo. They family was complete and very happy. Hanna pursued her dream in fashion and Caleb worked from home, updating computer security systems but he always made time to play with Leo and Izzy. Hanna was still close with Emily,Spencer , Alison and Aria , and they met up regularly. Ashley Marin loved her grandchildren and was always there to babysit. Hanna never really developed her relationship with her dad. Tom Marin refused to pay for her tuition and tried to make Caleb leave her. To make matters worse he married a woman named Isabel whose stepdaughter framed her . The thing she could never forget was that her dad paid for Kate's tuition and never made effort to see her. So , Hanna decided she didn't want someone like that in her children's lives. Hanna and Caleb's lives were in good places and they were thankful for all of it. After all they wouldn't have met , if it wasn't for -A (mona). Hanna never forgave Mona for what she did, I mean she nearly killed her. Hanna was so pleased for the decision she made all those years ago , when she bumped into Caleb in the coffee shop.
I thought this would be a nice way to end my story, but I will be uploading a Tyshley story soon so go check it out. Thank you so much for support.

Niki xxx

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