Chapter 6

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Angels POV; I walked in and I was walking around trying to find Leslie I called her and she said that she was in the cafeteria getting food. I went to the cafeteria and I seen her with a lot of snacks I helped her and we sat down on the table. Then she said "So how was it with Steven" while stuffing chips in her mouth. I said "It was great even tho I was with him for like 30 minutes" she laughed and said "what did you guys talk about" I said "nothing really" she said "so you guys stayed quiet the whole time" I blushed and said "no like we didn't really hold a conversation when we went inside his house he was making popcorn then you called me and then he drove me here and he was just asking me if everything is okay" she said "mmm did anything happen when you were about to get off the car" I said "no" she raises her eyebrow and I said "fine he asked for a hug so I hugged him the he asked for a kiss and we were kissing then this stupid car beeped so we stopped then I got off" she said "ooo you guys kissed...AGAIN!"
Leslies POV; Oh my, Angel is obsessed with this kid. That's the only thing she was talking about the whole time but whatever Steven might have a cute friend
@ Stevens House
Stevens POV; When I got home I laid down on the bed looking at the ceiling smiling and touching my lips. Then I got a message I got my phone really quick thinking it was Angel but it Weasel.
W- Ayye bro can I come over
S- Sure bro
W- Right be there in a few

Weasels POV; I needed to talk to Steven for advice cause me and my girlfriend are in a argument like always and I don't like being in a relationship like this and every time were in an argument I always have to be the one to apologize even tho it wasn't my fault. And ugh I just need his advice.

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