Chapter 14

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Angels POV; When me and Daniel were done hanging out my Tia Picked me and Leslie up when we got home I out on comfy clothes and I seen I had a snapchat from Steven I opened and it was a picture of him with the caption that said "me wondering who that guy on your sc is" then I said "oh he's my cousin I haven't seen him in the longest" then he said "okay can I come over" I said "yeah sure" so I got up from bed and I put on my PJs shorts on and my black v neck I put on socks cause my toes were a little cold lmao I sat on the couch and waited for Steven to get here

Stevens POV; My Tia dropped me off at Angels house when she got there I got off and knocked on her door she opened the door and damn she looked fine asf in those shorts I waved bye to my Tia and I went in I was walking behind her and I said can we take a mirror pic we went to her room and there was a big mirror and then I said let's take booty pics cause I'm a puta she giggled and she stood side way and I put my butt against hers it was awkward I tried to take the pic but I couldn't so she took the pic she moved and she hit my butt and she said "oops I just touched the booty" I said "its okay" while giggling she took the pic and in posted it on twitter and said "my friends ass is goals"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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