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The plan was in motion, the house was empty and there was no one around. Sam and her group surrounded the house and began to break in, using a key that was left in a plant pot, they broke in without making up noise. Sam turned the thermostat on the highest number possible. They waited 15minutes, before going back inside to start the small fire. Sam thought it would be a good idea to set the fire in the cupboard so as she was starting the fire, she slipped and the door slammed shut, but when she tried to open it, it wouldn't budge. She called for help but no one was in the house. Suddenly she could smell smoke and here the fire alarms going off,

"Help! Help! Somebody please help me I'm trapped in the cupboard!" She screamed for help but no one came to her rescue. All of a sudden, her phone vibrated in her pocket and when she looked at the screen, it was Alex calling her

"Hey sa" she started to say,

"Help me! Please I'm trapped in a house and there's a fire!" Sam exclaimed, she was panicking so much Alex barely understood hat she was saying.

"What are you?" She asked suddenly petrified.

"Broadstan street!"

"OK I'm on my way" she said and with those last words, she ran as fast as she could to Broadstan street. Meanwhile, the fire was spreading quickly and none of the boys in the group realised Sam was trapped inside. The smoke began to come through the door and fill the room, causing Sam to cough. She held wrapped her bandana round her head, so it covered her mouth and nose to help her breath and hopefully block out the smoke. She then took off her jacket and spread it at the bottom of the door to keep the smoke out.
Alex got to the street within 5minutes since she was only 2 roads away. She immediately saw the burning house and raced towards it, she was mortified but realised her closest friend was trapped inside and could possibly die. She ran into the burning house, holding her hand up to her mouth screaming Sam's name, "Sam! Sam where are you?" Sam heard her calls and called back,

"I'm in the cupboard! Please get me out of here" Alex could here how scared Sam was, just by saying those words. She walked towards the front room, but she couldn't see a cupboard. Alex was running around frantically to find the cupboard Sam was in. Dashing up the stairs, she saw the cupboard and paced towards it. She then saw that someone had pushed a chair under the door handle, she didn't have a lot of time and the fire had started to spread up the stairs so they had to find another way to get out of the burning house. The smoke got thicker and made it almost impossible to breath, Alex pulled the chair away from the door and threw it aside. Swinging open the door, Sam was stood there coughing.

"Sam I'm so glad your OK" she said in relief, "come on we need to get out of here" she said grabbing Sam by her arm, guiding her out of the smoke filled house. Suddenly there was a loud explosion downstairs, Alex screamed and Sam dragged her towards a bedroom. She opened up a window,

"We have to jump" Sam said looking down to see how high up they were.

"What! Are you crazy?" Alex said horrified,

"Well its either that or we burn" she said giving Alex no choice. Before they knew it, they was climbing out of the window looking down at the ground. Just as they was about to jump, there was another explosion. They took that as their chance to jump. Falling to the ground Sam and Alex screamed. Sam fell on some glass and cut her arms and legs, whereas Alex landed face first onto the ground and didn't move or make any sound after.

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