Face to Face

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"I don't get why your so angry" yelled Ewan, he and Sam were arguing in the hall. "It was a drunken mistake you of all people should know I wouldn't kiss another girl when I have a girlfriend" Sam would usually give up arguing and say 'OK I understand, just promise you won't do it again," then they would hug and make up but this time it was different.

"No! I don't want to hear it. What I want to know, is why she was at your house in the first place!?" Yelled Sam, her mind was bubbling up and she felt she was going to erupt like a volcano. Ewan went to hold her hand, but she jerked it away and slapped him hard across his face. "Don't touch me, don't you dare touch me." She screamed, her face was bright red and her nostrils was flaring.

"You really need to calm down" he said whilst rubbing his cheek, "if you kissed another boy, I would forgive you whether it was a drunken kiss or not" their argument as beginning to attract a lot of peoples attention, even some of the teachers were interested in their romantic argument.

"Are you sure about that?" She questioned, "you wouldn't be the slightest bit angry if I shared a kiss with another boy?" Ewan shook his head,

"No I wouldn't be angry because I love you and I could never love anyone other than you" he sounded so innocent like when a 5year old does something wrong but are really sorry about it, Sam's heart 'almost' melted away when she heard those words, but she was still annoyed that there was no explanation why Alex was at his house. Without thinking, she blurted out that she and Tyler had kissed yesterday and that it was the best kiss she ever had. But then she realised, that once she had spat those words out she had hurt Ewan, it was like she had squeezed lemon into a fresh paper cut. Ewan went silent and looked at Sam as if she were a stranger that had randomly hugged him.

"Ewan I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that it jus...it just slipped out." Ewan couldn't even look at her let alone hear her voice, he slowly lifted his head and said the most hurtful thing a boy could say to a girl

"All that stuff I said about loving you, is lost all respect I had for you is flushed away and now when I look into your big brown eyes, all I can see is poison and the damage you have caused." With those harsh and final words, he walked away from Sam and didn't turn his head once to look back at her. After a while the corridor became clear and Sam was still standing there in awe, it was as if she was frozen in time. A familiar voice echoed down the corridor,

"Hey Piers, what you doing standing in the corridor like a loner?" He said laughing, but then he realised something was wrong so he stopped laughing and walked over to her. Gently placing his hand on her shoulder she jumped and was shocked back into reality. Tyler wasn't the type of person to be sympathetic and all that, but he was different when it came to Sam.
After 30 minutes of talking about what happened, Sam felt a little better. But after last period when she left her English room, she saw Alex and Ewan hugging and laughing. At that moment a flood of memories came to her mind and jealousy took over, she stormed up to them and they both just stared at her. Sam suddenly felt small and useless, but it didn't stop her from saying what she wanted to say.

"Oh so I see how it is, we break up and then you go and run after my used to be best friend. You must be really desperate" she yelled, trying to make a scene. Alex and Ewan exchanged puzzled looks,

"What are you talking about were just friends" Alex laughed.

"Well for now anyways" Ewan reassured, Sam's face went hot and red she clenched her fists and just went for it. Landing a punch right in Alex's face, she then grabbed hold of her hair that was tied up in a bun and dragged her heads down.

"You two-faced cow" she shouted

"Sam get off your hurting me" Ewan grabbed Sam by her waist and lifted her joint the air, this was easy for him, because she was only 4" 6 and he was 5" 9. It was actually quite funny, becuase Sam's legs was kicking all about the place and she looked like a little kid. Two girls ran over to help Alex up then, they took her to the nurse. Once they was gone and Sam had calmed down a bit Ewan put her down and bitterly said

"Your a disgrace and need to get over yourself" and then he rushed off to the medical room to see if Alex was OK, leaving Sam in the corridor alone again with people stating and whispering things about her.

"Rahhh... What a fight" Kim said clapping sarcastically, she slung her arm over Sam's shoulder and grabbed her bag then headed off out of college. "Your really something you know that" she said laughing "the boys will be impressed to hear about this one Piers"

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