Chaper 1: A dying beauty

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     I'm only 18 but I know the difference between right and wrong in this world today people don't learn that till about age 25. I live on the planet Zurania; when I was around two Earth reached its breaking point, it could no longer sustain life.

           Currently my parents have adapted very well. They host parties at our large estate every week it seems.
I haven't had the best of times here on this planet, I never have seemed to fit in with the other kids, or even adults.
My parents are just to overwhelmed by their money, fame, and fortune to even care about they're one and only daughter.

My only friend is my dog snow puff, who is the light of my life! Every since I got her on my 7th birthday we've been the best of friends. I picked her up in the woods while I was picking berries one afternoon, when I brung her home my parents told me to throw her back out, but being the person I am I ignored them and kept her. She hates them with a passion.

I take online school, because going to the actual place is a nightmare. I walked downstairs for my lunch before I got ready to get back to Spanish 4. "What would you like today Ms. Acacia?" Our personal cooked asked as she took out a pot. " The usual." I replied with a slight sigh. "What's the matter sweet pea?" Ms. Martha questioned lovingly.
Nothing, I just wish the times were different, before we moved here before Earth died." I said as I looked out the large windows. "I understand Hun, everything used to be so beautiful, but times have definitely changed." Ms.Martha said with sadness lurking upon her eyes.

"But you can change all of this, I believe you will, I have faith, you're stronger and more powerful than you think." She exclaimed as a bright, hopeful grin crept upon her face. "What makes you think that? I questioned her delirious comment. "I don't think it, I know it." Martha declared. "Okaaay, whatever you say, thank you for the food Martha!" I said as I got up to leave table.

Once back upstairs I got completed my courses for the day and turned on the news.
Breaking news: Air pollution has been at an all time high, people of Beenton County have issued a state of emergency due to the air.
Currently in Almiedana the people have go on a rant towards the capital
There's a total of 30 people reported de-

I turned off the television in disgust; why did the people in this world have to be so cruel? I grabbed Snowpuff off of the floor and cried in her mop-like fur.

"Knock, knock" the door of my room slowly opened as my mom came in with a big grin. "There's no time to be crying love bug, there's to much to be happy about!" My mom exclaimed as she patted my head as if I were a dog. "No mom, there's not a lot to be happy about! This world is dying just like Earth did because of pollution, the people of Beenton County have to leave they're own home because of it and 30 people are dead in Aliedana! I screamed as a river of tears fell from my eyes.

"Honey there's death in life and it's beautiful to see and encounter, that's why your father and I are so in love with our job!" My mother exclaimed with a cheerful smile. "So the world is like a dying beauty?" I said with sadness lingering in my voice. "What an amazing way to think of it! Get ready, dinner will be ready shortly my love." And with that she was gone.

I sighed and began to get dressed.

"Dinners ready!" My dad screeched from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled as I walked downstairs.

" Dear we have company." My mom declared as she patted the chair next to her. "Greet yourself darling." My mother demand as she gestured toward our guest. I looked up from my lap and the first word that slipped from my mouth was "Carter?"

Author's Note
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Disclaimer this story is copyrighted. ©I'Ziae Frazier
I will have an update schedule hopefully in the future. I think and believe or as Martha would put it know that this book is going to take you on an emotional roller coaster! ;) I had an amazing time writing this chapter and I might have shed a tear or two. What do y'all think of Acacia's mom? And who the heck is Carter?? Tell me in the comments

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