Chapter 4: Run away

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          Unknown POV
"Do you think she's caught on yet?" No, she's too naïve to figure it out, and anyways if she does figure it out we can use her for an experiment too. "I don't have a good feeling about that Carter kid." Carter? He's a darling, he's a very valuable source, we need him to be apart of the plan. "Anyways, what are the statistics?" The pollution rate has gone up by 63% and the death rate is down by 12%. "Down by Twelve percent?! We're not going to reach our 20 year plan." Yes we will! "How are you going to make the death rate increase by 54% in 2 years?" You know how. " mhm, yes, yes we do.


Acacia's POV

      I called Carter in hopes that he would answer, luckily he did.

"Hello, why are you calling me this late at night?" Carter said in a husky voice.

"Because I ran away." I whispered

"You ran away from your dog? Just kidding. Why'd you run away?!" He slightly screamed the last part.

"Because I need to find Luck, now are you coming with me or what?" I remarked.

"Where are you?" He said quietly.

"On highway 701 under the transfer bridge." I said in a hushed tone.

"Okay I'm coming , throw out your phone." Carter said.

"Why??" I pleaded.

"Because your parents can track you and if they find us, we're dead meat." Carter demanded.

"Okay, bye." I said and hung up.

                    Thirty minutes later Carter pick me up and we are currently taking a flight to Denway  a small country on the out skirts of Almiedana. Damien told us to look for a woman named Winniae Kartashov and she will give us help on finding the lost princess. 

                   We arrived in Denway and the hunt was on, there's only about 200 people who live in Denway so finding her shouldn't be so hard you'd think; well I was wrong, most of the townsfolk said that they haven't seen or heard from her in years. 

           After a long day of searching for her we came across a small cottage in the deep woods of the forest.

           "Knock,knock" a figure appeared in the window and the door creeped open and the figure dragged us into the little home.

"What are y'all doing here, Carter why is she here." The strange woman whispered.

"Are you Winniae?" Carter asked in a firm voice.


  "Carter we need to answer her question first, I know how this goes." I said quietly to where only he could here me.

    "We are on a journey to find queen Eamilia's lost daughter L-" Carter was interrupted by Winniae saying Luck's name and staring at the ground. You must sit down, I shall help you find her.

Author's Note
Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but who do you think the unknown pov was? Tell me in the comments it might not be who you think it is ;)
Thank you so much for reading, you guys are awesome!
Oh and sorry there's no song of the chapter. Or is there???
S.O.T.C: Ariana Grande- December
Oh and don't forget to
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