It's good to see you ^^

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New york city, so he's here

Hi the names Julia but call me Jules. I heard my childhood friend has become famous, you've probably heard of him. His name is Jamal Lyon and it seems that he works at Empire. I wonder if he's still cute as he was as a kid.

Whoa, I thought as I got out of the cab. Is this really empire? It's so big but then again it's called empire.
I magically skipped into the buildings of empire. I walked up to lady at the entrance.

"Hey, do you know where I can find a guy name Jamal" I asked her

"Of course another fan of Jamal, how typical" she sneered

"Excuse me? Aren't you supposed to be polite to guests" I asked angrily

"Your just some crazy fan trying to manipulate me" she said and looked somewhere "Excuse me, Mr.Lyon this young lady is complaining, could you help, she says she won't listen to anyone"

The nerve of this lady.

"Excuse me Ms. but what's the problem" A guy asked

I turned to me shocked.
It's his dad! Oh gosh
Keep your cool Julia

"It's nice to see your Mr.Lyon. it's been years since I've seen you" I said bowing

"I'm sorry but who are you mam. I don't recognize you. Perhaps your just a fan of my son" he said raising his eyebrow.

Does he really not recognize me?

"It's me Julia. I'm looking for Jamal to catch up with him" I said

"I'm sorry but he's busy. I have a important meeting so I must go" he said and walked out.

I just stood their shocked, she also left. Did it change that much? I guess I'm more sexy looking :p?

"Excuse me but are you lost" a guy asked with a smile.

"Oh sorry, I'm looking for a friend. He goes by the name Jamal" I said

"That's me. I don't think I know but what do you need" he said

Whoa he changed

I hugged him tightly "it's me Julia your childhood friend" I said

"I can't believe it's you. I missed you Julia" he said and we let go "why don't we go catch up in the recording room" he said dragging me into a hallway.

In the recording room

"Wow so you've taking interest in music, nice. I've been writing songs too" I said astonished

"Yeah, Is it ok if I could hear one of your songs" he says opening the glass room.

"Um sure" I said walking in and stood in front of the mic.

"Start at any time" he said

You give up
Thinking your worthless
But your not

Your greatest in the world
You're better
Even better than me
Your a star
Your a star that shines so bright

Don't think your worthless

"I'm sorry, I actually never finshed the song or any songs" I said "I'm sorry Jamal"

"It's ok Julia. Why are you apologizing" Jamal asked holding my hand.

"It's been a long time since I've seen my bestest friend" I said smiling "so how's life. I heard your gay. What's he like"

War For Love And Power (Empire Story)Where stories live. Discover now