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Reika's POV

I sat in my seat, next to Sasuke. My ears twitched under my hood as my headband was worn on around my waist. Like yesterday, the girls decided to bug me. Before they could say anything, I spoke up. "Just give me a reason..." I looked at them.

"Not to kill you right here, right now." I said as I slowly rose from my seat. "You ran off pretty quickly yesterday. Why, did you fail?" Ino sneered. I moved my cloak away from my waist so it revealed my black headband. "There. Happy?" I demanded before sitting back down.

"Now leave me alone." I said coldly. That made them scramble away. I'm glad. Now they'll leave me alone. I hate humans. I wish they'd all drop dead. "Just keep pushing them away and you'll be fine." I said to myself.

Iruka walked in a few minutes later and congratulated us for passing the exam. We were then put into squads of three. My eyebrow twitched with annoyance. I don't want to be placed on a squad with humans. I stared at Iruka out of boredom as I waited for my name to be called.

"Squad 7. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha...." I sighed in relief. "...and Reika." I bit my tongue to fight back the urge to yell. Are you fucking kidding me?!  When lunchtime came, I sat in a tree as I ate my rice ball. This place... it sickens me. "Hey!"

I looked down to see the Naruto boy calling me. I stared at him emotionlessly. "Can we talk for a second?" He asked as he called up to me. I finished the rest of my rice ball, then jumped down from the tree. "What do you want?" I demanded in a dark tone.

"Man, you don't have to act so mean, Reika-chan." Naruto said. "Well, I never said I was nice. Now what do you want?" I repeated. "Well you see, I kind of need your help." He whispered to me. "And why would I help you?" I asked coldly.

"Oh,  come on. It's just a small favor." Naruto said. He sounded desperate. "Find someone else to do your work." I said before walking away with my hands in my pockets. I stopped to take a look at him, then quickly grabbed Naruto's face.

"You have... whiskers?" I asked. "Hmm? Oh, these? They're not really whiskers. I was just born with them." Naruto explained. Now that I have a good look at him, he looks kind of cute. What am I saying?! I can't be thinking that! "I have to go." I said quickly before walking away. 

I took a small walk until I found myself surrounded by girls from my class. "Now what do you want?" I demanded. "We're gonna show you what happens when you mess with our Sasuke." a girl said. I sighed.

"Look, it's not like I'm trying to steal your precious Sasuke. Frankly, I couldn't care less if he died in hole or was eaten by a giant creature." I said with a shrug.

Sasuke's POV

I walked around for a bit, bored out of my mind. "How dare you say that about Sasuke!" What in the world? I walked toward the screaming voices and hid behind a tree. "If you're looking for a fight, I'd advice you to walk away. But if you insist, I won't hold back." Reika said.

She sounded serious. I want to see how this plays out. The girls surrounding Reika took out a kunai. Reika remained still as she stared at them emotionlessly. "Get ready, bitch." A girl said. She charged at Reika with the kunai knife in her hand.

She went to stab her in the face. I saw Reika smirk under the hood. She blocked the attack by grabbing the blade. The girl seemed startled, then tried to pull her weapon back, but Reika didn't let go.

"Don't tell me that's the best you can do." Reika said as blood poured out of her hand as she gripped the blade of the kunai knife. Reika kicked the girl in the stomach, causing the girl to slide across the ground. Reika let go of the kunai knife, letting it fall to the ground.

The whole blade of the knife was covered in her blood. "Who's next?" Reika challenged with a smirk. The girls glared at her before charging at her with her weapons. Reika smirked before dodging all their attacks. The girls slashed and tried to cut her, but they couldn't.

Reika was too fast for them. She kept dodging them all. It actually looked like she was dancing. After a few more tries to cut Reika, the girls were exhausted. Reika calmly stood over them. She didn't even break a sweat.

"It hasn't even been ten minutes and you girls are already out of breath. Tch, and you're suppose to be ninjas." Reika said as she frowned at them. I watched as she picked up a rock.

"You humans were nothing but a waste of time. I never should've agreed to fight you guys. If you ever waste my time like this again, I will kill you, and I'm serious about it. I will make sure your heart stops beating. I'll make your deaths are so slow and painful, you'll be begging me to put you out of your misery." Reika said coldly.

She crushed the rock inside her palm, then let the dust pour out of her hand. The girls that were on the ground cowered in fear. "Now, if I've made myself clear and don't need to repeat myself, leave." Reika ordered. The girls didn't waste any time to run away.

"Tch, stupid fangirls." Reika muttered before looking at her hand as blood gushed from the wound. She hid her hand in her cloak, then walked back to the classroom. This girl doesn't show any mercy. I knew Reika was holding back when her was fighting those girls.

She didn't want to waste her energy. She's talented and she acts like she's fought people many times. Just... who is Reika? I smirked. I'd like to fight her myself one day.

Reika's POV

After I cleaned up my hand, I bandaged and went back to class. I sat at my desk, feeling bored. "Hey," I looked to my side, seeing Kiba Inuzuka. "What do you want?" I demanded coldly. "Nothing. I just wanted to say hi. Hey, can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Make it quick." I said impatiently. "How come you wear that hood all the time? What have you got to hide under there?" Kiba asked. "I don't have to answer that to you. Now, beat it." I said. I saw Kiba frown at me slightly, then left.

First a fight and then interrogation? Talk about one hell of a day.

Third Hokage's POV

"Is that her?" Kurenai asked as she looked through the crystal ball on my desk. "Yes." I answered. "She was the one the jonin brought in the other day." Asuma said. "Yes, and she'll be placed on your team, Kakashi." I informed.

"What was her name again?" Kakashi asked. "According to Iruka, her name is Reika. She didn't say what her last name was." I said. "She doesn't seem to like any of the classmates and she hardly talks." Iruka said.

"We'll have Ibiki interrogate her tomorrow morning and see what we can get out of her." I said. I looked at the crystal ball again, looking at Reika. Her hood casted a shadow over her eyes as she stared off into space.

I want to know who this girl was and why she had the need to wear that hood. What is she hiding that she doesn't want anyone to see?

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