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Reika's POV

What's wrong with me? Why am I hesitating? I don't know this human. I should be able to kill him easily. So, why can't I? I shook my head hard, snapping out of it. Focus on the task at hand. Don't let emotions get to you.

Kill him. I ran at the human and raised my katana in the air, preparing to kill him. He quickly moved out of the way, so I missed. "Please, Reika-san! I know you know who I am! We're friends!" The boy said to me. (Note: the human Reika is talking about is Naruto, in case you didn't know)

"Shut up! I don't know you!" I yelled at him. "Yes, you do!" He yelled back.

"No, I don't!"

"You do!"

"I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

I growled in irritation before punching him in the face. "I don't know you!" I screamed. He fell back, rubbing his face. "You do know me, Reika-san. Don't you remember? I asked you if I could pet your cat ears." He said as blood ran down the corner of his mouth.

I tensed when he mentioned my ears and took a small step back. "How do you know I have those?" I demanded. "Because we're friends! You know who I am! You let me pet your ears before!" He said.

My ears... He pet... my ears? But when...? I dropped my katana, trying to remember. "Can I pet your ears, Reika-san?" Wait, I remember someone asking me that. But I can't remember who. I growled, then went to punch his face again until he caught my wrist.

I gasped at his movement. "You know me, Reika-san... and I'm not going to give up on you. Just like how you didn't give up on me." He said, smirking. I frowned with a low growl. Damn, cocky human. "Let. Me. Go!" I yelled, making my nails grow sharp from my other hand.

I slashed down on his face, leaving a few scratches on his cheek. "Let go! Let go! I don't know you! Let me go, you damn human!" I yelled, scratching him over and over. The boy smirked every time I scratched him.

I gritted my teeth before punching him, causing him to let go of me and fall on his back. "You're scared, aren't you?" The boy said, sitting up slowly. I flinched and took a small step back. "You're scared that I'm right. You're afraid to know the truth." He said as he slowly got to his feet.

I started to tremble slightly. This can't be happening to me. I shouldn't be afraid of this human. No, I have to kill him. I will kill him. "You shut up!" I yelled before kicking him in the head. He fell on his stomach and I kicked him again so he rolled on his back.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You're wrong! I don't know you! Just die! Die already!" I screamed as I punched his face repeatedly. "Just die already! Die!" I screamed. "You know... who I am... Reika-san..." The boy spoke weakly.

His face was bloody and bruised from my punches. "I don't care... how much you beat me... I will... I will get you to remember me... Reika-san." He said. My brain pounded against my skull when he said my name.

Suddenly, I got images of some boy who was with me. He was showing me these things I couldn't understand. He was showing me sweets and books with a different meaning to them. Then, I saw myself kissing him.

I blushed at the image. I kissed him?! I kissed this human?! I got off the boy, backing away from him. There's no way that this human can be telling the truth. But the images... they say otherwise. "No... This can't be right." I murmured to myself. 

"You know I'm right, don't you? I can see it in your eyes." The boy said, slowly standing up. "I... I don't know what you're talking about." I declared with a frown. I gasped from his sudden attack as he threw two kunai knives at me, tearing my hood off.

I quickly tried covering my cat ears, but the human grabbed my wrists so I wouldn't cover them. "You're scared what will happen if someone will see these. You're scared anyone who sees your ears, they'll be afraid of you and run away. Well, I've seen them, Reika-san, and I'm not afraid of you." The human said.

"I don't care that you're a cat, Reika-san. You're my friend." There it goes again. The weird images keep coming up in my head. But why? "Unhand me, human! Let me go!" I yelled as I tried to get away from him.

But the human's grip only tightened on my wrists. "I'm not letting you go, Reika-san! You will remember me! Please, try and remember, Reika!" He said. I noticed he didn't say -san at the end of my name.

"No! I don't know you!" I yelled. I bit down on his shoulder, making him grunt in pain, but he didn't let go. "You... do know me, Reika-san." He grunted, enduring the pain in his shoulder. I growled and let go of him, struggling against him. 

"I don't know you! I don't know you! I don't know you!" I kept screaming.

Aimi's POV

"Reika-san..." I whispered. I was in my cat form as Reika started screaming while Naruto held her wrist. It had to be the collar she was wearing. I noticed how that gem was glowing when she was attacking Naruto.

I jumped down from the tree, landing beside Sasuke as he was still lying on his back. "The hell? What are you dong here?" Sasuke asked, grunting. I jumped to the ground, just a few inches behind Reika.

As she was screaming and struggling against Naruto, I managed to climb on Reika's shoulder, then scratched off the collar. When the collar fell to the ground, the gem attached to it shattered. My work here is done. The rest lies in Naruto's hands.

Naruto's POV

"Please remember me, Reika-san! I know you can!" I said as Reika-san tried her best to hit me. But I kept my grip on her wrists. "No, I don't know you! Let go of me, human! Let go! I hate you!" Reika-san screamed, her eyes closed tightly.

When she opened her eyes, I saw that they weren't dark anymore, nor were they slit. She almost looked back to normal. "Let me go! I don't know you! Naruto!" Reika-san screamed. I gasped when she said my name.

She remembers! Reika-san remembers me! "Reika-san, you remember!" I cheered, hugging her. "No, let me go! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you, Naruto!" She continued to scream as she tried to push me away.

"I hate you! I hate you! Let me go! I hate you!" Reika-san yelled. "Well, I don't hate you, Reika-san. I like you, and I always want to be your friend. I don't care what they say. I like you, Reika-san." I confessed.

As Reika-san was trying to push me away, she tripped and fell on her back, taking me with her. I sat up, gazing down at Reika-san as tears rolled down the side of her head, some rolling down her cheeks. She sniffed as she gazed at the sky, dazed.

"I hate you... I really hate you, Naruto..." Reika-san said, sniffling. I softly smiled down at her before picking her up and embracing her. "Fine, Reika-san. You can hate me. Just as long as you stay here and be my friend." I said.

She sniffed and hesitantly wrapped her arms around my back, hugging me back. "I hate you..." Reika-san said as she began to sob into my shoulder. I smiled and held her there. 

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