Falling Out

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Colby sat with facing his father with tears in his eyes. He knew he had to get the answer out of his father and that he wasn't going to like it but he needed to know. " I knew you'd find out, I also knew that when you did that it would be time to reveal everything." Coby was floored by this line. Their was more then one thing he had been lining about. Coby, with tears now streaking down his face sat quietly waiting for an explanation. " their was no car wreak, I never read books in high school, and I never was a librarian." Coby could barely  hear his father his heart pounded so hard in his chest, and with tears in his eyes his father continued, " your mothers death is considered a high level restricted matter and so is everything else I'm about to tell you.

Coby couldn't believe what he was hearing his whole life had been a lie, and he was living with the person who had lied to him his whole life, but as much as this made him despise  his dad he couldn't move." There was never a car accident."" What the hell happened to her"!" His father was caught off guard by his sons rage and froze, he couldn't think all he could do was watch as his son broke down in front of him. He tried to move in to comfort his son but Coby took it as a threat and as he approached he shoved him into a book case." I knew you were lieing, you never would look me in the eye when I asked about mom", then he got a sudden thought, " You, you killed her you killed my mother!" I hate you he hissed as he stormed away.

Coby left the library he didn't know where he was going but he had to leave. He wondered for a while and ended up finding himself in front of the local boxing club building. Coby wasn't a huge boxer  but he had several friends that were that he bet were inside and he figured what better way to relieve stress then to punch something. He walked into the dingy building and was greeted by the all to familiar musty smell that accompanied the place. As bad as the smell was it complemented the atmosphere well and brought the whole experience together.

After finding his friends and a quick warm up he squared up to a bag. Coby knew what he was doing but he Didn't necessarily have the correct form but that didn't keep him from having fun as he went to town on the bag. 5 minutes in his buddy Brian comes over." dude lay off the bag they're not as cheap as they look." Coby realized how hard he'd been hitting the bag and it made his hands ache." something go down at home you never beat it that hard?" Coby wanted to keep the issue a private matter and brushed the question off by saying that he wasn't mad that's just how hard he really punches. This brought a chuckle out of Brian. " well anyways me some of the guys were thinking about running down to the Market and grabbing a soda if you wanted to tag along." Coby knew that he would get tired of punching the bag soon anyways and headed out with the gang.

The gang consisted of Brian who was pretty much the unofficial leader because he was a good host and there main hang out the boxing club was his dads joint. Other then Brian their was the twins Fredrick and Michael the two boys were bigger then Coby and Brian but they weren't nearly as big as Jack who they had all nicked named the reaper. Jack was a killer boxer big and strong but very light on his feet but what made him so unbeatable on the ring was his speed. He out mannered everyone in the club and he had deals leading him into some Simi pro league matches at only 17. So in short no one messed with Jack ( the reaper).

They walked into the shabby market on the edge of town. The market was out of the way so it didn't have very heavy traffic. The gang walked in and grabbed their usual snakes. Coby grabbed his inflames dr.Pepper. He still held the store record for most soda cans drank in one minute all being Dr. Pepper. They sat in a booth in the corner of the store and drank away as the conversation jumped between subjects it touched a sour note as they made it into your mom joke territory. Coby realized that his dad would be worked about him and that he needed to leave. Coby enjoyed breaking the rules and cutting out of things he didn't want to do but he always made sure word never got back around to his father who he knew didn't tolerate his behavior.

He told the guys he had to leave and cut out. He made his way back to the library and as he got to the door his fear of getting yelled at by his dad for leaving went away as he remembered why he left in the first place. He pushed the door open wide in a non caring way. He walked straight through into the middle of the library and was surprised to not find anyone.

Coby was kind of glad his father wasn't there to yell at him for leaving but then again he got a sinking felling at the way he wasn't there. The library was open and Coby clearly remember his dads speech about never leaving the library unattended. He walked round the library and realized that the door to his fathers office was slightly ajar. He made his way over to the door but he didn't hear anything as he slide his hand over the door knob and swung the door open.

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