Behind the Door

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He pushed open the door but didn't find the mangled body of his father he had been expecting. Their was no sign of his dad and this made him kind of sad. Then he suddenly found himself back in reality and saw his dads computer smashed on it's  side. He thought that his father had just gotten pissed and the  computer but upon closer inspection he realized something was missing from inside the computer he noticed that the internal hard drive was missing. This was strange to Coby because he had no idea what would be on his fathers computer would be worth smashing it for. Then he remember the mysterious man and how he had been talking about a secret that was kept in the library. This also reminded him of the robber from the day before and this made his head spin. He wondered why his dad had let the man go and hadn't called the police to arrest him and this made several P fit in place. If he had called the police their would have been an investigation in the library and they  would have searched it possibly uncovering something that his father and the mysterious man didn't want to be revealed. This meant that their had been something so important hidden inside the library that his father had never told him about. Something so important that the law couldn't find out and then Coby got a sick feeling one that he could nearly bring himself to think about. His father was bidding his mothers body inside of the library. It might have fit some of the pieces but it still hadn't explained why the robber had broken in and it didn't have anything to do with the smashed computer.

Coby tried his hardest to not think about the fact that it made so much sense that his dad had murdered his mother , but he couldn't avoid it. The library( even though it was open) empty. Coby couldn't think straight and didn't want anyone coming in so he flipped  the open sign and locked the front door. He hadn't been inside the residence since he had come back but he doubted that his dad was inside. He went into the kitchen and grabbed  a glass of water.

As he sat in his room he replayed the events of the last 48 hours. At the time he would have considered the robbery the scariest moment of his life even though he had managed to keep it cool and took down the criminal, but since then his life had gone haywire. his relationship with his father was in shambles his moms death was now a mystery and their was something going on in the library that he had no clue about. At the mention of the mystery of the library Coby grot the idea of searching it himself.

He had nothing better to do and it gave him a rush thinking about what he might find. That is until he remember that what he might be looking for was his moms body. Another scary thought crossed his mind, where was his dad? He hadn't seen his dad since that morning when he confronted him about the meeting. It was now 5:30 and Coby had never know his father to cut out this long. He got a sickening feeling that his dad had been taken by the person who had smashed the computer. Coby figured that the man who had smashed the computer had to of been the same man that had tried breaking in the night before. This didn't but together any puzzle pieces but it was still a possibility. After eating and sulking the night away Coby finally went to bed.

He woke to find that nothing had changed. His father wasn't back, and the computer was still smashed. He had wanted it to all be a dream but non of it had. He realized that over the past 2 days that the library hadn't really been open and so he made it his top priority to make sure that the library was still functioning.

It was boring work, stacking shelves, dusting, and cleaning but he knew it had to be done. He got the stray thought while he was working that he didn't want to piss off his dad so that he wouldn't kill him to. This made him work harder and he eventually got it all finished.

Several people came and went without much to say. One man vaguely resembled the robber from the night before but then he had been wearing a mask and it had been hard to identify any features, but the man came and left without incident and Coby figured it wasn't him.

The rest of the day went on without a hitch but their was still no sign of his dad. Coby knew something was wrong. Coby had no one to tell that his father was missing and this made it all the scarier. He couldn't go to the police because their was obviously something his dad didn't want them to know and that also means he can't tell his friends because they obviously can't know. So this all lead to one answer. Coby had to actually figure out what was the mystery of the library.

Coby felt more confident now that he had a plan but he still couldn't shake the fear that he might not ever see his dad again.

Coby had no idea where to start he had lived in the library for years and had never noticed anything suspicious. Coby also didn't know what he was looking for either. His first thought was to look for his mothers corpse but the more be thought about it the less sense the theory made. Their was no connection between the robbery the smashed computer and his missing dad. He didn't doubt that his mother hadn't died in a car wreck after all his dad even said she hadn't on multiple occasions and without him to have to lie to.

So now that he wasn't going to wonder around looking for corpses he had to find something else to search for. Then he remember that in the movies their was always secret passage ways hidden in bookshelves but it would take forever to search ever book in the place. Coby, using his clever brain, figured that if you wanted to hid a secret book shelf on a library and make sure no one would fond it that you would put it in an area where no one went. Coby, after many years in the library knew that by far the least popular section of the library was the unknown authors section. Heck this made perfect sense, his father loved the area. He always said that it wasn't just the famous authors who wrote great books and that their was way more to literature then just those famous snobs. Coby always though þis was true but he could never finish one of the many terrible novels that haunted the section and the only one who ever appreciated the section was his father the only one who new where the secret was hidden.

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