43 Years Ago

102 21 9

The argument surfaced when Bryan scolded Meryll for not buying him the things he asked her to buy.

"I told you to buy me the things I asked!" Bryan yelled at Meryll. "I didn't buy it because we're short on money and the things you want me to buy are your wants. I only bought the things we need." Meryll explained. "I'm your husband. You should do what I ask of you!" Bryan said. "Why should I follow you if it'll benefit you and you only? I should do things that will benefit both of us." Meryll exclaimed. "Why did we even get married if you don't know what I want?" Bryan scolded Meryll. "That's it! We're done!" Bryan said, going to their room and slamming the door.

Meryll went to their room and saw Bryan packing. He was tossing everything into his bag.

"What are you doing?!" Meryll asked. "I'm leaving. You know me, Meryll. When I say something, I mean it!" Bryan said, pushing Meryll aside. "You can't just leave." Meryll told Bryan. "Don't stop me, Meryll." Bryan said.

After packing his bags, Bryan left the house and never returned from then on. Meryll was disheartened. She cried for the rest of the day, always carrying a picture of Bryan and her.

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