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          "Hurry up, Bryan. We're gonna miss the flight." Meryll exclaimed. "My back's starting to hurt. Wait for me." Bryan said, his hand on his back.

          It was 2 months after Bryan returned. They decided to relive their memories. They were on their way to Paris, where they first met each other. It was where Bryan proposed to Meryll below the dazzling lights of the Eiffel Tower.

          "Oh, Paris! I missed you!" Meryll said when they arrived. They stayed in a hotel near the location of the Eiffel Tower. Tomorrow, they'll visit the Eiffel Tower.

          The next day, they spent their evening in the lush streets of Paris. "This is so beautiful, Bryan." Meryll told him. They were eating in a restuarant for dinner. "I have a surprise for you after we eat. You'll love it, Meryll. I guarantee." Bryan promised.

          After dinner, they went to the Eiffel Tower and took a ride to the top.

          The view was stunning. City lights flashed. The aroma of roses and croissants can be smelled from up there.

          "Remember when we looked at the view and loved the cool breeze?" Bryan asked. "Yeah. I do. I cherished that day. What a wonderful surprise, Bryan!" Meryll said. "I didn't say this was the surprise," Bryan informed her wife. "Meryll, let's go back down." They took the ride down to go to the bottom of the tower. When they were below the Eiffel Tower, Bryan knealt down on one knee. "Meryll, can we start again?" Bryan asked while presenting her a ring. "I'd love to, Bryan!" Meryll said. They then hugged and kissed each other, Everyone in the scene cheered and clapped.

          They stayed in Paris for a few more days before going back home. The rest of their stay was magical and romantic. They had fun reliving their Paris memories.

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