Merry Christmas Heta!

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DUNDUNDUN! Your present shall be...A 2p! Hetalia thing! It's actually just some brotherly stuff between Al(2p! America) and Matt(2p! Canada) :3


Al walked through the forest, deciding for once to go visit Matt. To tell the truth, it wasn't really his choice. Oliver "told" him to go visit his brother, since it had been a few months since they last saw each other. 

"Why do I have to go? Why couldn't the cupcake freak go?" Al grumbled, not pleased about having to walk through the forest just to see his brother.

Besides, whenever they meet, it ends in a huge fight, leading to them not talking for weeks, sometimes even months!

In fact, that was why Matt had begun to live in the forest in the first place! Well, along with the fact that he wanted to kill off any poachers, but still! 

Al sighed as he continued walking through the forest. Soon, however, he heard some gunshots. They sounded rather close, so he decided to go check out the source. He walked towards the source to find some men, all with guns and one holding a rabbit(a/n: THEY KILLED MEH O^O); poachers. 

Al stared at the men, then decided on something. Good thing he brought his bat along. And on the bright side, now Matt would owe him. 

The American walked towards the poachers, planning to just whack 'em all on the head, then beat the shit out of their bodies to make sure they stayed dead. His plan was shattered, however, when his foot stepped on a branch.

"Who's there?" one of the poachers said, causing them all to turn 'round.

"Guess I'll have to do this the ol' fashioned way," Al sighed, then he lept forward to attack. 

He was able to kill one of the poachers before another shot him in the arm. The American hissed in pain before killing that poacher with another whack of his bat. I mean, come on, that bat has NAILS stuck in it! The last two poachers aimed their guns at him, but before they could shoot, they were both taken out by....a hockey stick.

Matt lifted his hockey stick over his shoulder before looking at Al.

"Huh. Haven't seen you in a while," he said, then he began to walk away.

"Matt, wait. Matt...Matt, get the fuck back here!"" Al yelled, causing the other male to stop in his tracks.

"What do you want shithead?" Matt asked, turning around.

"Look, Oliver made me come and say sorry, okay!" Al mumbled, and Matt raised an eyebrow.

"He told you to what now?"


Matt nodded, before looking at Al's arm.

"You were shot, weren't you?" Matt asked, and Al looked at his arm.

"Yeah, whatever. Not like you'd care," he mumbled, walking away.

"That's going to get infected if you don't take care of it soon."

"Yeah, sure, I'll take care of it later."

"That sounds like something Lutz would say."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Never mind."

Al began walking away once more when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Al, I may hate your guts, but your still my brother. And, unfortunately, brothers have to help each other. So get the fuck back here. You're not going anywhere with a bullet hole in your arm," Matt said, grabbing Al's good arm(which was holding the bat), and dragging him along.

"Since when did you care? Are you sure you aren't some weird motherfucking alien or something possessing my brother? Because I know for a fucking fact Matt wouldn't care so much," Al stated, clearly confused by his brother's behavior.

Though he'd never admit, Al couldn't help but be happy by how his brother was now acting; it might mean they're on their way to becoming better brothers.

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