Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – The party.

I got home that afternoon and my sister was already packing her and Connor’s bags. I went to my room and got changed into gypsy pants and a tight red tank top. Thank goodness it was Friday normally Valery and I will go out to one or other party or to a club, but not tonight, tonight I am going out with Angie to dinner to spend some time together. Just as I was about to leave my room my phone rang, “Hey Valery what’s up?” I asked her. “Hey are you coming with me to James party?” she asked in a very exciting voice. Now James is Jed’s best friend his a big party animal, even I have to admit his parties are normally legendary.

“No sorry Valery, Angie and Connor are leaving tomorrow morning and I’m going out to dinner with them, but I’ll let you know when I’m done maybe I’ll catch up with you later.” I told her.

She replied “Sure will be waiting to hear from you.”

The doorbell rang and I rushed down stairs to open it and it was Jerry carrying in his bags, I showed him to the spare bedroom where he could put his things down. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and made my way to Angie’s room “I’m going to the park for a bit will be back in about an hour for our dinner.” I told her. I ran down stairs and made my way to my car and drove off to the park. As I got there I made my way to my favourite part of the park the pond, I would sit there and feed the ducks every day, my dad and I use to do it all the time. Well sitting there I heard a voice which was a bit out of breath, I turned around and it was Jed. “Hello beautiful.” He said I rolled my eyes at him and said “ Isn’t it enough to get me in trouble in class now your disturbing my peace?” he looked at me with sparkles in his eyes and came to sit next to me, I asked him “Why are you paying so much attention to me lately, you never did before.”

He glared at me and replied “I don’t know I guess I want to get to know you better.”

I sat there with a confused look on my face wondering why now all of a sudden after 11 years. I looked at him and got up saying “Sorry I got to go.”

He grabbed my arm and asked me “Will I see at James party later?”

“I don’t know.” I replied and walked away.


I couldn’t understand why she asked me why now all of a sudden I am interested in her.

She was beautiful, but I should start snapping out of it. I’m a player and nothing will change that not even a pity little girl like her. I mumbled to myself I ran home and as I got there I went straight to the shower. I most probably stood there for more than an hour. When I got out I thought to myself I need to get a girl for tonight, going through my phone finding a one night stand.

I got ready for the party and left.

Serena POV

I got home and dressed for the dinner with Angie and Connor we left as we got to the restaurant it was a beautiful place. We sat there for almost three hours talking about all my rules and how things are going to work, how I can contact them. After the dinner I asked them if they could drop me off at James house for the party, on our way there I texted Valery telling her I’m on my way.

“Angie what time is your plane leaving tomorrow morning?” I asked her.

“It leaves at 12:00, but we need to be there at 10:00” she replied.

So I set my alarm for 8:00 so long before I forget to do it later tonight I mean after this party and how tired I was going to be, it’s best to do it now. As we arrived there I texted Valery again to ask where she was as I walked into the house, I must say I was looking good my hair was down and as straight as can be and I was wearing a strapless white cocktail dress which was just above my knees in the front and long at the back. As I turned my head to the living room I saw Jed on the couch making out with some girl looking like his life depended on it.

I got a text back from Valery saying she is outside by the pull just as I walked away Jed caught my eye, he tried to call me but I turned my back on him and walked away, I got to Valery and she pushed a cup of beer into my hand. “Thank you I need it.” I said. James had a huge garden I went walking down the path and they had an arch in the middle of the garden I went to sit there for a while. “Hey, why you run off so fast?” a deep sexy voice said. I turned around and I saw Jed, so I replied in a very stern voice “I don’t know why you’re paying so much attention to me, but let me tell you now I do not want to be another one of your girls whose virginity you take then throw me away like I’m nothing!”

He looked at me in shock “You know what you right maybe I should just leave besides I don’t have the time to deal with stuck up bitches like you!” he said. He stomped off. It was getting late, so I went back to Valery and downed another beer then I called a taxi and went home. I got dressed into my PJ’s and got into bed. The next morning my alarm goes off and I rush to get done in time to take my sister them to the airport.

It wasn’t long and Angie and Connor had to go board I hugged Angie and tears started running down my face as I had to say goodbye.

Hope you enjoyed the second chapter

Please keep reading

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