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Anella's POV
I just can't...

I wish I never loved him...

I want to die...

Fuck my life and the stupiduty that comes with it.

I hopped into my care, starting the engine and drove off. I don't care where I drive off to or whatever happens to me. I just want to be alone for now.

*after an hour*

Gosh! I forgot my phone! Charles is gonna pay for that. I glanced at my car's clock; it read 2:00. I settled on finding a motel or somewhere to stay for now.

Suddenly,it dawned on me. Where the hell am I?! I can't even see a motel or anything. I saw an altar somewhere and decided to check it out. My lack of common senses was probably due to my lack of sleep, seeing as it is 2:30 am by now. I felt someone come near me; it was a little girl clutching a teddy bear close to her. "Hello, miss! Are you lost? Follow me, let's go to sister Anne." she said excitedly. I decided to follow her and soon we came to a children's orphanage.

"Navia, there you are! I was worried! Why did you go out by yourself?! Thank heavens you're safe!" A nun said to Navia, the little girl who brought me here. "Sorry,sister." Navia apologized guiltily. Her name was kinda cute once i actually tought about it. I went near this small room and went inside out of curiosity. It's an altar! Something on top of the altar caught my attention. I went closer and looked at it.

It was a beautiful pink rose. It's leaves are still green and lively.
It's petals looked lovely and were soft once I touched them. It's stem still healthy and strong by the looks of it.

After observing, Navia called me and introduced me to Sister Anne, the nun who worried about her. Sister was very kind and let me stay in one of the vacant rooms. If you went inside the room; It has a bed, closet, bathroom, playpen, tv and air conditioning.

As I went inside, I childishly hopped onto the bed and just reflected after having some fun. For some reason, the rose that I saw on the altar just a while ago kept taking up the thinking space in my mind.

I stayed there for awhile. I observed the rose for a week but it seemed that every time I observe it, it changes negatively, as if wilting by the second.

After a week, it died. I suddenly realized that the rose seemed to relate to what happened to Charles and I.
Hai guys!
Finally updated something IN ENGLISH!
It took me a while to update this story
Anyways goodbye!
Hope you get the meaning of this story

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