Chapter One

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(Picture of Ryder)

My eyes shot open and my phone blared my alarm. I whimpered softly before dismissing it.

"Rise and shine!" My mom yelled as her heels clacked up the stairs towards my room. I pulled my blanket over my head and tried to ignore her. "First day of high school!"

"Can't I stay home today? I feel sick" I grunted, faking a cough.

"Your funny" She began, ripping the cover off of me "Now, you have about twenty minutes till breakfast so clean yourself up"

I nodded as she exited my room after sending me a smug smile. Reluctantly getting up, I walked to my drawers and pulled out a white tank top and black leggings.


After a quick shower consisting of cinnamon shampoo and conditioner, I was feeling a little better about going back to school. In all retrospect I haven't showered much over the summer. Not meaning I'm dirty or I didn't shower at all, but I didn't go out much.

After brushing my teeth and parting my very curly brown hair, I made my way down stairs prepairing for my moms annual rant on how education is first on my list of priorities. Followed by extra circular activities. Or anything that looks good on paper.

"There she is!" She squealed as a sad expression appeared on her "My babies in high school now"

"Mom, Rays been in high school for three years now. This isn't really new to you" I chuckled, sending her a smile before biting into a apple

"It's different with your brother" She started rolling her brown eyes "You just need a little more of a filter on that mouth of yours"

"Me? No" I said faking hurt. Yes I am pushed academiclly, but my attitude needs a little work I must say.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure" She began lifting the corner of her mouth "Anyways, this year is big for you"

"Here we go" I mumbled, not stopping her for more then a second to give me a glare.

"School is going to be hard without a doubt, but 'together' we will keep your record and grades perfect. All its going to take is dedication and-"

"Hard work, to insure success!" I finished, knowing her speech by heart. By the way, when she says 'together' she doesnt mean together. She means calling me when I get home so she can tell me if shes going to be home later that day or not.

"You had to steal my thunder" She pouted looking over at the stove time "Seven. Go finish getting ready, Ray will be ready in about ten."

Nodding, I hurried back upstairs and saw my hair was drying into its poofy curls. I dread my to thick for a single ponytail locks, but definitely did not brush my hair knowing it would get bigger then my brothers ego.

Speak of the devil.

"Well would you look at that" He started looking at me from my door way "Little Ryder getting ready for her first day of high school" 

I rolled my eyes, continuing to apply mascara to my bright green eyes "Please, spare me this conversation mom just gave me the speech again"

He chuckled but sat on my bed "I haven't been in here in forever"

"Maybe because you haven't been home for more then a day at a time in these past few months" I said smartly before pulling on my white air forces.

"Well I have my reasons, Mom" he retorted, before getting up and walking towards the door "You coming or what?" I got back up and pulled my black MK bag over my right shoulder, turning off my light.

"Bye mom!" We yelled in unison. With that we were out of the house and on the road.

"Isn't the school that way?" I questioned as we started towards the wrong way

"Relax" He said, already annoyed "Me and Jace take turns picking eachother up. So when you ride with me get used to it"

"Sounds like you guys are getting serious" I joked "Did you change your statues to its complicated yet?"

He rolled his pitch black eyes "don't get to comfortable with him" he said immediantly looking nervous.

"C'mon Ray, I won't steal your girlfriend" Yeesh I can't take anything seriously.

Me and Ray are very close for brother-sister siblings. He knows all my secrets not to mention everything about me. He gives me advice that I actually listen to. It's a mutual thing. Are mom says we have a unique relationship considering we have different dads. But ever since we meet when I was four he took me under his wing like we were blood.

Don't get me wrong, our bond is great. But he feels like he can protect me from anything and that's going to make these next two years sharing a school with him much more difficult.

He got out of the car and entered the two story house we arrived at. The house was cute, but the boy who emerged from those glass doors was far more breath taking.

Jaces messy brown hair complemented his blue eyes and perfect skin beautifully. Him and my brother strutted to the car like the popular smucks I'm sure they were. Once they reached the vehicle, the boys corner smile fell.

"Who's that?" He began swinging my door open "I get the front"

"My sister" My brother grumbled under his breath

"You have a sister?!" He shouted, in suprise "And shes not even ugly!"

"Don't even think about in, Palmer" Ray shot back. Huh so Jace Palmer? Kinda catchy. I guess?

Jace chuckled "But seriously" his face dropped immediately "Out"

"And if I don't?" I retorted with a bored expression

"Then I'll have to move you, and trust me" He paused looking me over once more "I'd have no problem doing so"

I grunted, but nonetheless got in the back seat.

The ride to school was basically them talking about things I didnt much care for. Like girls, or parties. I watched out the window of the passing scenery as we pulled into a crouded parking lot, flooding with people.

"Lock you doors" Ray reminded us.

After doing so we walked up to the double doors of the school. Well I did, they were long gone by that time.

Taking one last deep breath I stepped into the cramped hallways.

Little did I know that would have been my last opportunity to run. Run as fast as I could and never look back. Thats what I wish I did, instead I surrendered myself to the worst year of my high school life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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