Chapter 9

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The only reason Stiles was taking Derek on a date was because he felt bad for the guy. NOT because he actually wanted to spend the day with Derek, rather than Lydia who had offered to take him to the mall. He felt bad about kissing Derek and then telling Derek it didn't count. That was kind of a dick move, so he was doing his best to make up for it. Stiles kept telling himself if he had hurt Scott, he would make it up to him by spending all day with him as well, they would just play video games instead of going on a romantic picnic in the woods.

"Stiles, where the hell are you taking me?" Derek demanded, raising his eyebrows at Stiles, who just shook his head and continued driving. "There's no restaurants, or any places besides forests."

"Maybe I'm taking you into the forest to murder you," Stiles retorted, smirking a little. Derek just rolled his eyes. "Or maybe," Stiles continued, reaching over to take Derek's hand. "Maybe I'm taking you into the forest so we can explore and have fun, because it's a nice day and I know this perfect spot for picnics."

"Seriously?" Derek replied, a smile starting to form at the corners of his lips. "You're amazing."

Stiles shrugged, letting go of Derek's hand that he hadn't meant to take in the first place. "I just wanted to do something to make up for ditching you last night. I feel like the world's worst boyfriend." Stiles sighed, turning onto the road he hadn't been down since he was little, when his mom would drive him here. Maybe he felt a little weird sharing this personal place with Derek, but there was that time he took Derek to another special place. That time Derek had hugged him. Really, truly hugged him, and showed Stiles that he cared about him. Which made Stiles feel pretty shitty because he didn't care about Derek as much as he should've. He was using him, and that was awful because Derek really was a great guy. If Stiles actually was gay, Derek would be his type. Definitely.

"No," Derek mumbled, shaking his head. "You're not. You're the best. The world's worst boyfriend wouldn't even apologize, and you're taking me on a date. So you're not the worst, Stiles."

Stiles didn't reply. He just kept driving, ignoring all his problems and just thinking about when the next turn he had to take was. He wasn't really paying attention to anything else, which he why he kind of jumped at the touch of Derek's hand on his thigh. But he didn't move it either, so Derek didn't take his hand off. "We're almost there," Stiles murmured, his cheeks turning red. He realized having a boyfriend was like having an awesome best friend who bought you stuff, and did things with you, but it came with a price. Lot's of unnecessary touching. Stiles didn't really care much, as long as it wasn't kissing. But even the kissing part wasn't as terrible as he originally thought. It was like kissing a girl. Or how he imagined kissing a girl would be like.

Derek nodded softly, squeezing Stiles' thigh and Stiles saw him smile a little. It took another five minutes before they actually made it to the spot Stiles was going to park. And then they had to walk through the woods, and this time, Stiles stayed beside Derek the whole time, holding his hand even though Stiles' hand was sweating a little. 

The place was a small clearing, with a small opening above where there was enough room between the tall trees to stare at the sky. It was best in the middle of the night, when the stars were out and Stiles used to laugh when his mom pointed out stars and named them silly things. Those were his favorite moments, and he still thought about them all the time.

"Did your mom used to bring you here?" Derek asked softly when Stiles stopped in the middle of the clearing and his eyes started to water a little. He wasn't going to cry in front of Derek again. Stiles pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes and pressed hard, even when Derek's hand rested on the small of his back and he didn't have the strength to step forward, away from his touch.

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