Chapter 20

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A/N: Almost smut, but not smut. Soon though. 


He stared at his boyfriend in disbelief and part confusion, searching for a reply to this ridiculous idea that had popped into Stiles' head. It was awkward for one. Double dating did not sound like anything Derek would enjoy. Especially with other guys on the lacrosse team. "I don't want to do that," he said eventually, setting his pencil down in front of him. Stiles was sitting on Derek's bed while Derek sat on his floor, studying for a test in calculous. 

Stiles gaped at him, crawling to the edge of the bed so he could see Derek better. "Dude, come on," he pleaded with a slightly hurt expression. Derek wasn't budging. "He's my friend and he just needs a little help. This was the only way he would agree!" Stiles threw his books to the side and they landed on the floor as he purposely fell off the bed in front of Derek. "If you really love me, you'll do this."

Derek stared at him and scoffed. "If I really love you, Stiles? Is this your form of blackmail now? I said I loved you and you never said it back. You still haven't. How can you can use my words against me? How the hell can that be fair?" He picked his pencil up and averted his eyes to his math book again. He was no longer interested in having this conversation. The answer was no and it was going to stay no. 

It was quiet for a minute or two, and then Stiles stood up and sighed as he gathered his books off the floor and began shoving them into his backpack. Derek tried to ignore him, but it was proving to be difficult considering he really didn't want Stiles to leave, especially if he was upset. "I'll see you at school tomorrow," Stiles said from the doorway, pausing long enough to see if Derek would tell him to stay. 

Derek caved before Stiles got too far out the door. "Don't go," he called, standing up to chase after him. He spent years trying to get Stiles and something stupid like a double date wasn't going to hurt their relationship. "Stiles, it's fine that you haven't said it back. It doesn't change us." He wrapped his arms around Stiles' waist from behind and sighed softly. "Don't be mad at me."

Stiles turned in Derek's arms, so they could face each other. Derek reached up and caught a tear on his cheek. "I'm not mad," Stiles mumbled, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I wanna stay. We don't have to do the date thing if you don't want to either. I'm sorry," he said, hugging Derek tightly, burying his face in his boyfriend's neck. 

"No, it's fine," Derek assured him. He stepped away from Stiles and took his hand, dragging him back towards his room. He needed to study for school, but he wanted to comfort Stiles more. He shut the door behind them, even if it was against his parent's rules. Stiles climbed back onto the bed and Derek laid beside him. "Why are you crying?" Derek wondered, running his fingers through Stiles' hair. He didn't understand what was so upsetting. 

"I don't know," Stiles mumbled, looking away as if he were embarrassed. Derek pulled him closer and kissed him gently. Stiles sighed after Derek drew away. "I don't deserve you, Derek." He paused, staring back at Derek in a way that made Derek want to kiss him again, but he didn't. "But I'm glad you're here. I'm happy that you love me and I just. . . I want you to know that I feel the same."

Derek's chest tightened, his eyes widening. He considered that as Stiles' confession of love, even if he didn't actually say it out loud. "I-I don't know what to say. . ." Derek mumbled, staring in awe. He touched Stiles' face gently, smiling. Stiles had red cheeks and Derek found that adorable. "I can wait to hear it. I can wait as long as I need to. Don't feel pressured to do anything."

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