Dating Damon...

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-Sarcastic comeback war


-A lot of sex

-You're basically have sex a lot

-Trying new things....while having sex

-Romantic picnics

-Stupid fights that are blown out of proportion

- Him trying to make you jealous, but never working out because someone usually takes your attention. Ending with Damon being the jealous one.

-"So you can flirt with whoever you want, while we're dating, but I can't talk to another male aside from Stefan?"


-"I will kill you in your sleep if you don't stop talking."

-Lots of meaningless threats

-Always looking out for each other

-Seeing that Damon isn't as much of an asshole as everyone thinks he is

-Having a close bond with Stefan and Alaric

-Proving to Damon that you didn't need him to protect you

-Damon saving your ass when plans don't work out

-You saving Damon's ass a lot more, because his plans almost never work out

-"I love you, Y/N."

-"What did you do now?"


-"I love you too, Damon."

-"That's nice, by the way, I almost killed Jeremy again."

-Trying to get Damon to teach you 'the eyebrow thing'

-Sexy smirks

-Sticking together through thick and thin

-"No one can ever take you from me."

-"No one ever will, because you have me, Damon."

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