Ichigo's Defeat

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Ichigo found him. Aizen. Tourtuing his family.

"ICHIGO! HELP!" Karin yelled

"Ichigo isn't here!"

"Yes he is!"

"Oni-chan!" Yuzu screamed

Ichigo looked at his dad. He was passed out.Ichigo brought his spirital pressure up. Aizen turned around and upon seeing him he trew a scaple at him. It was eaily dodged.

"Dammit" Aizen muttered

"Oni-chan! Help!"


"Don't drop your guard" Isshin yelled.


Uryu, Chad, Rukia, Renji, and OIrihime ran in. Orihime put up her shield. "KUrosaki-cun!"

"Get my family!"


"Oh no you don't!" Aizen shot a kido at the shield but it bounced off."What?"

"We are orihime's power! We come from her heart! When her emotions get stronger, WE get stronger!" Lily said

"Immposable!"Aizen said when he felt Zangetsu cut his side

"Don't drop your guard." Ichigo smirked

"Say that to your freind over there, the quincey!" Aizen said

Uryu cried out in pain and surprise. A sword had pireced his stomache out through his back.

"Ishida-kun!" Orihime ran over.

"Renji, Rukia! Get my family!" Ichigo yelled.

"Hai" Rukia said. She ran over to Yuzu to start cutting her bounds. Renji folled and did the same for Karin

Ichigo felt a sword perice him. He looked down and saw Aizen zampacto percieng his body. He coghed uip blood and fell forward. The last thing he remembered before he blacked out was white arms reaching out to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2013 ⏰

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