3rd Times the Charm

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I left the box and kept it hidden, Ted could never know my plans. I laid in the bed, thinking of home, missing how things used to be.

But fuck that.

Everyone betrayed me. Especially Cameron, and she got what she deserved when she betrayed me. They all would end up just like her, all betrayers.

My eyes felt heavy and closed within seconds. My dreams would follow the blackness created behind my eyes.


"Sky. What are you doing?" I looked to my right side and my hair flipped into my face. It was wet for some reason and a few strands stuck to my face.

"Cam...?" I looked with wide eyes at her. In one piece, her shirt wasn't even blood stained. "But, But, you're dead."

"Yea, no thanks to you."

"I...I...but how?" I asked. Wait, why was i being all innocent.

I killed that bitch.

"You're dreaming dumbass, You're dripping cause you're overwhelmed and sweating in your sleep."

"Give me some answers Cam, I deserve them." I spoke to her sitting on the floor. She got close up to my face and I didn't flinch, I stared right into her big blue eyes. 

"YOU deserve answers? I deserved them, you had no fucking reason to kill me OR Harry. And you know what," She paused and backed up, "You need to get out of your concieded bubble and look around at what you're doing." Cam backed up even farther, I stood up and grabbed her hair that was up in a pony tail and pulled her head down.

"Like always, you're looking up to me, so listen, I did what I did because you knew how much Harry meant to me we loved eachother. You were in my way so I got you out and if that meant kiling Harry too so be it." I let her hair go and turned around. I started walking but I didn't know where. Next thing I knew I walked into a lake. The water was black and the moon was high above me, the water cold and chilling right to the bone. No matter how hard I tried to swim out I couldn't move, and there was Cam across the lake, when I turned around I saw the forest where...where Ted dropped Cam and Harry. Cam was watching from afar, as I was.


I woke up, like Cameron said, in  a cold sweat. Was my past coming back to haunt me? Nah that would be impossible.

A stupid dream wasn't going to stop me from killing the boys, and now I actually had a very brilliant plan for my first victim, and I know exactly where to find him.



Sorry It took so long to update !!!

This story is starting off realy slow, but I'm gonna get to the gore soon! 

I have school tomorrow so that'll either mean more updating because of my constant procrastination or even slower updates BUT none the less I shall update lovelies !

Keep in touch and comment/message me your thoughts ! I'm here for help if you want any soooo


and above all

S t a y  B e a u t i f u l <3

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