Sequence IV, Chapter 1: Blake - Y/N, Edward.

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Swords clashed against swords, man against man. It was a bloodbath. You deflected an attack as you shot your pistol to another person charging towards you. You quickly unsheathed another sword, dismembered an arm before decapitating another with your other sword.

"Jaysus, Y/N. You're a monster." Edward chuckled as he shot a man.

"Learnt from the best, Kenway." You smiled as the crew of the rum ship had been wiped out.

Everyone took as much rum as they could carry and set it on the Jackdaw. Cheering, the crew members on board drank rum to their hearts content as they watched the ship burned and sunk.

"Where we headed, captain?" Anne asked.

"We are headed to this place named Vale. Ah Tabai received word that the Sage has searched for refuge there." Edward answered.

"Where is this 'Vale'?" You asked.

"Due east, off the coast."

"ALL HANDS ON DECK, THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG ONE, FOLKS." Anne shouted to the crew members, and they responded immediately.

You climbed the foremast and kept watch.

"Now we are ready to head for the Horn!" Edward sang.

"Way, ay, roll an' go!" Everyone sung along.

'This is going to be a long trip.' You muttered, chuckling.

"Our boots an' our clothes boys are all in the pawn,"

"Timme rollickin' randy dandy O."

=RWBY's POV, about two months later."

"Let's go, Blake! Stop being such a party pooper!" Ruby exclaimed as she tried to drag the reading faunus.

"I said I don't want to go, Ruby! Leave me alone."

"Every party needs a pooper thats why they invited you, party pooper~ party pooper~" Ruby sang, much to the amusement of her teammates.

"Yes, now leave me alone. I poop parties don't I?" Blake retorted.

"What? Come on!"

"Ugh, fine. I'll go to this.. party. Gosh, you're persistent."

"YES! Now we're all going!~"

Blake (reluctantly) set her book down and went for a change of outfit. Soon, she emerged from the shower with an outfit made to impress.

"Wow, Blake. Talk about dress to impress." Blake commented.


The team set out of their dorm and went to the party which was near the docks.

"That's a dumb place to host a party." Weiss complained.

"It IS a big party, though. There's probably water games." Ruby responded.

"Will there be cute boys there?" Yang fascinated.

"Thats ALL you ever think about, Yang." Blake sighed.

"Don't hide the fact that you're looking for one too." Yang teased.

Blake's cheeks turned a bright shade of red, answering Yang's question indirectly, which resulted in her team giggling.

"She gotcha there, Blake."

"S-Shut up."

The team carried on walking, until they reached a building near the port which was blasting with music.

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