Chapter [1]

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This is just a short reminder from me. If you don't want to read this you can skip to where the chapter title begins.
I know I've been MIA  for quite some time and I want to apologize to all of you whom I've disappointed. I have many excuse for why the heck I abandoned this story but I don't have time to start explaining myself. I've been so caught up with other events happening in my life and continuing this story was the least of my worries.
Also, when I had first started this story, I hadn't planned out the plot well. So, at the beginning, I had no idea where I was going with this. But I now have a clear map of how things are going to go until the very end.  Hopefully, I'll be updating regularly!
Before I forget, the characters in this story are not perfect. They party, do drugs, sleep around, drink alcohol, get involved with gangs and stuff.They do so many things that go against the Islamic laws. This is all part of the story. I don't want anyone insulting any of my characters just because of the things they do. This is all part of the story. At the end of it all, the characters will learn from their mistakes and be better people. I've seen people leaving harsh comments on other people's stories because whatever they wanted didn't happen. They insult the author and the characters too. I don't really mind if you hate any of my characters, but lease, refrain from name calling. You aren't perfect, neither are we. No one is perfect. Everyone is perfectly imperfect in their own way. Even our characters. So please, give it a chance.
And by the way, if this story doesn't suit you, don't bother to read it.
This chapter is dedicated to Noretakes for the amazing cover. Check out her books, A Journey With The Devil Himself  and Good, Great! They are really cool!


Chapter One: The Night Is Young, The Music Is Loud, So Let's Drink Ourselves Silly.

"Let's dance!" I said grabbing Blake, Declan and Riley and dragging them to the center of the dance floor as some song by The Weekend came on.

"I love this song!" I said to Riley as we swayed to the beats of the music blaring through the speakers. The music was way too loud and at this rate, I was damn sure that the windows would shatter into pieces.

Blake left to get us drinks as the song changed to some sappy-snog song. The teeming dance floor cleared of everyone except those 'madly-in-love' couples like Tina and Luke - Westview's very own golden couple.

I looked around for Blake but  I couldn't see him. Riley and Declan also left my side without me noticing.


I steered through the cluster of sweaty teenagers towards the kitchen. As I was passing next to some dark hallway, I heard someone moaning Blake's name. I heard her ask him if they could move on to one of the rooms. I moved closer to get a better view. He was muttering all kinds of sweet nothings to her and she was giggling like a five year old. I couldn't stand listening to more of that. I blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill and swallowed the rock stuck in my throat. It took all of my willpower to get my feet to move away from the very disturbing sight right in front of me. Before I turned away, Blake looked at me and smirked. The nerve of that guy!

It really wasn't surprising to see my boyfriend banging some random girl. After all, everyone in Westview High knew about Blake's infidelity and they all knew that his pathetic girlfriend- me- won't ever leave his side. Every time people saw us together, they always shot me those pathetic pity looks. There was a rumor going around in school that the reason why he slept around was because I refused to satisfy his manly urges. Well, that was partially true considering the fact that I never had sex with Blake. I honestly didn't want to lose my V-card to my first boyfriend. People always asked me why I still put up with his shit. I think it's because of the attention I received ever since I started hanging out with Blake and the rest of the popular crowd. For someone who receives zero attention at home, it's only logical for me to bask in the attention I get from my 'friends' while it still lasts. I know that is sounds pathetic and pretty messed up but that's just how it is.

I decided to drink myself silly until Riley or my shitty boyfriend decide to acknowledge my existence and decide to find me. I headed straight for the fridge and fished out a bottle of tequila. The bitter taste washed down my throat as I gulped it down.

The last thing I remember was Riley dragging me out into the cold muttering a sting of curses under her breath.


I woke up with a pounding headache. "Oh! My head hurts!" Honestly, I felt like The Hulk was pounding on my head with his fist. I slowly placed my head back on the soft pillows underneath.

"Well, the consequences of 'partying hard' are very painful indeed." Riley spit out as she placed a mug if steaming hot coffee on the nightstand.

I looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings and my brain finally registered that we were in Riley's room.

Thank heavens she didn't take me back to my house last night.

" I brought you some coffee." Riley stated as if it wasn't obvious enough. She definitely sounded like a cranky old cat. She was probably still hangover from last night. Who wouldn't be? I mean, if you go to one if Mike's epic parties, you are bound to get as drank as shit.

I was about to say something when a not-so-amazing feeling of nausea hit me. I dashed towards the bathroom to empty out the contents of my stomach. Riley came in and held my hair out of my face as I puked my guts out. After I cleaned up, Riley brought me a glass of water and some aspirin. I took the pills and downed the glass of water. I crawled back under the covers with the mug of hot coffee in my hands.

"What's the time?" I asked Riley.

"It's already noon."

" Shit! I forgot! I'm supposed to be home for lunch. Mom's expecting guests over."

"Well, that explains why she's been calling you every five minutes or so."

"She called?" I have to go!" I dashed out of bed and into the shower.

Ten minutes later, I was in my car heading towards home and bracing myself for what was coming. I knew that mom was so flipping pissed off at me.


Hey there people. So, 1109 words in chapter one?😏
Tell me what you think. Your comments are very much appreciated.
Chapter two on its way! Who's excited? Cuz I am!
PS: Don't forget to vote, comment and share.
PSS: Guys I hope this isn't too much to at of you but can you please go check out my friend's book. It's new and she's already in chapter five. It would mean so much to me if you stop by her profile and check out her book. The Fault In Our Deens by pizza__izbae .
Lots of Love, Hugs, a Kisses and Unicorns 💞

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