Chapter 14: What If

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A musty chamber with two metal chairs back-to-back awaited Kirsten and Cameron as they were escorted violently away from Camille and Linus, who were already gagged and tied together. The guard holding Kirsten threw her down into the chair along with Cameron as their backs faced each other.  She continued to struggle as much as she possibly could until her hands and Cameron's hands were tied together by one chafing rope. 

"Nighty-night." The guards cooed in unison and slammed the door behind them, making the pair flinch. Kirsten now began shaking her chair and grunting angrily. Cameron however staying limp with his head hung low and his stunning hazel-green eyes staring blankly forward at the wall.  

Kirsten momentarily stopped struggling and strained her neck to face the profile of Cameron's greasy face. Despite the dust lining his clothes and hair, he still looked as handsome as ever. Instinctively, she grabbed Cameron's hand and laced her fingers with his. Cameron's head lifted, noticing Kirsten's audacious move. He turned to face her, but he only saw a single tear sliding down her cheek. 

"Cameron, what if we don't make it out of this?" Kirsten said, her usually forceful and demanding voice faltering. Cameron just stared into her face trying to muster up as much courage as he could.

"Don't think like that Kirsten," he said giving her hand a tight squeeze. "We'll find a way." 

Kirsten's lip quivered as another tear streaked down her face. "I don't want to lose you again."

Cameron inhaled sharply, taken aback. "Kirsten, if this is about the lab incident, it was a bogus move but I'm--."

Their conversation was abruptly shortened when Eli and Liam strode into the chamber with smirks across their faces. Liam held a tray and a syringe with a lavender purple liquid inside it. Kirsten felt Cameron's hand tighten but release because of his wrist pain. 

"Hello you two," Eli said with his hands on his hips. "We need you to do us a little favor."

"We're not doing anything for you." Kirsten sneered. Eli looked at her with a sarcastic grin on his face.

"Oh look at this! Honey bunches over here is actually getting angry about something. Shocker." Eli bent down and cut the rope binding Cameron and Kirsten and yanked their hands away. Immediately, Liam grabbed Cameron and held him at his sweet spot, his wrist, making Cameron yelp in pain. Kirsten whimpered as Eli held her hands behind her back.

"So sad, seeing star-crossed lovers be split up." Liam said punching Cameron in the stomach. He collapsed to the ground groaning. Kirsten screamed but Eli held her tight.

"Don't move sweetheart. It will be less painful for you and him if you just stand still and get this done." 

Kirsten continued to struggle, but the syringe was already buried into her forearm. Almost instantly, her vision became foggy and she felt herself letting go. She kept telling herself to hold on, hold on for Cameron. The last thing she heard was Cameron's outcries of protest before she felt her eyes roll back into her head and silence overcame her. Eli picked her up and carried her unconscious body out of sight with Liam following close behind. Cameron ran to the steel door, but it was locked just like it was before. Cameron slammed his fist against the door, regretting it instantaneously. He fell to the floor, tears streaming down his face. 

Kirsten was really gone.

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