Part 1

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Back at the firehouse Rebecca Jones finds Gabby in the locker room and confronts her
"Your the reason why Casey doesn't like me".
me I don't know what your talking about and who Casey likes and doesn't like is not up to me".
"You told Casey everything about me no wonder he doesn't like me".
"What no I haven't told Casey anything".
"You better keep your mouth shut and not tell him anything because if you do you are messing with the wrong person here and I will bring your life crashing down".
"Watch it Jones you don't threaten me". Dawson said as she slammed her locker shut and stormed out bumping into Severide.
"Hey Dawson you okay?" Severide asked as he noticed she was upset.
"It's fine Severide just leave it alone".
Gabby said as she brushed past him.
She felt Jones was watching her as she left she couldn't believe that Rebecca was threatening her.

Severide walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Matt who was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. Severide grabbed the newspaper out of Casey's hands much to his annoyance.
"Hey I was reading that". Casey said annoyed.
"Yeah well I got something to tell you. You can read the rest later"
"Fine what's up Severide?"
"Jones and Gabby were arguing about something in the locker room and Gabby was really upset I asked her about it and she shut me down".
"Right thanks I'll go and speak to Dawson". Casey said as he got up to walk out of the kitchen.
Matt was walking to the ambulance when he saw Dawson checking the inventory.
"Hey Gabby I need to talk to you".
"Not right now Matt I'm busy".
"It will only take five minutes and it's important".
"You can tell me after I have finished the inventory".
"Alright Dawson you promise me you will talk to me then" Casey said as he kissed her on the cheek.
"Yes Matt I promise".
Matt then walked back to the kitchen and went over to Shay who was sitting at the table
"Hey Shay I need to talk".
"Of course Casey what is it?"
"Be honest with me does the inventory need checking again or is Gabby avoiding talking to me or something?"
"No the inventory has already been checked and double checked it's obvious something has happened cause she wants to deal with it on her own and not tell you what's going on."

Shay went back to the ambulance and tells Dawson 
" You need to tell Casey what happened".
"Why? I'm dealing with it".
"No your not your avoiding him and look he is going to find it out anyway it would be better if you told him".
Gabby walked to the kitchen to tell Matt when she saw Jones getting to close  to him and getting to friendly with him she couldn't believe it and stormed back out to the apparatus floor.  
"Dawson what happened?" Shay asked.
"She was getting to friendly with him".
"Did anything else happen?"
"No I can't believe she would do that".
"Either can I" Shay replied before walking towards the kitchen.
"Casey" Shay yelled as she walked into the kitchen loud enough for everyone in the kitchen to hear.
"Yeah Shay?" Casey said as everyone was looking at both of them.
"I have to console your girlfriend now because your in here getting way to friendly with the new candidate who threatened Dawson". Shay yelled
"What? I didn't know that, Dawson was avoiding me" Casey yelled back.
"Maybe you could of tried harder to talk to her Casey"
"How could I if everytime I try to she shut me down Shay". Casey said as he brushed past everyone and stormed off to the apparatus floor
"You better have a good explanation for the lieutenant when he gets back from sorting it out with his girlfriend". Herrmann said to Jones
" I didn't threaten her" She yells back
"Yeah you sure about that". Severide yelled
"Unless if you like Casey and your finding ways to break them up". Cruz shouted
"Then why isn't Dawson talking to him? Why did I see you two arguing in the lockers? Why is she so upset? Answer all of that for me". Severide asked
"I don't know maybe they are having relationship problems". Jones says
"I know for a fact that they were fine yesterday and this morning". Severide answers
"Well maybe they are keeping it from you and don't want anyone to know". Jones said before walking off
"Casey never would do that, I would know if they broke up". Severide yelled as she left

End of part one

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