...It's Important

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~2 weeks later~

Lauren's POV

I was sitting on my bed still half asleep. I'm not a morning person, so the fact that I'm up at 7:30 is really unusual. I heard my phone ringing and I let out an annoyed sigh as I reached to grab it. I looked at the phone and let out a small laugh and rolled my eyes when I saw who it was.

Lauren- "You know babe, most people don't call this early in the morning."
Jaiden- "Come on it's 7:30. It's not that early princess."
Lauren- "It is to early. Not everyone wakes up as soon as the sun rises like you." I heard him laugh slightly in the other end of the phone.
Jaiden- "You know your sleepy voice is pretty cute." I couldn't see him but I knew that he was smirking on the other end of the phone.
Lauren- "No it's not haha"
Jaiden- "It is. And I would love to argue with you about this more, so I was thinking maybe you can come to get food with me today and then we can continue this riveting conversation."
Lauren- "Sure. What time should I be ready?"

I heard my bedroom door creaking open and I looked over with the phone still up to my ear. I saw Jaiden slightly peak his head through the door.

Jaiden- "Like maybe right now?"

Jaiden said as he walked into my room with a smirk on his face. I smiled as I sat up out in my bed and he came over to hug me.

Lauren- "You know most people ask to come over, they don't just invite themselves in." I said smirking at him.
Jaiden- "Yeah. I'm not the most well mannered guy. Sorry. But you were the one who chose to date me." He said smirking back. He started to lean in to give me a kiss and I stopped him by putting my hand up to his mouth.

Lauren- "Uhhh no!" I said laughing. He looked at me with a confused smirk and his eyes wide open.
Jaiden- "What? I kiss you all the time and it's never been a problem before hahaha"
Lauren- "I have morning breath. You are not kissing me before I brush my teeth."
Jaiden- "I'll still kiss you with morning breath." He said smirking and looking at me like that was a ridiculous reason.
Lauren- "I know you would but I won't let you! Haha"
Jaiden- "Well go brush your teeth! You can't keep a guy waiting like this!"
Lauren- "I like to torture you. So maybe I'll do my hair, then pick out an outfit, then change and I'll do it all really slow paced. I'll make you wait."
I got up with a victorious smirk on my face to go get ready.
He walked out of my room but ran back in only seconds after. I had my back turned until he said something.

Jaiden- "Wait! You forgot this!" I turned around and he pressed his lips against mine, pecking them quickly.
Jaiden- "HA! Now get ready fast babe I want breakfast burritos! I'm starving!" I rolled my eyes as he ran out of the room.
I yelled so that he could hear me since he was already out of the room.

Jaiden's POV

After I left Lauren to get dressed, I went down the stairs to go sit in her living room. I walked by the kitchen to see Dani looking at her phone with a huge smile on her face. I walked into the kitchen and waited for her to notice me but she continued to stare down at her phone with that same smirk. I let out a small laugh while I waited for her to acknowledge that I was there.

Jaiden- "Who's the boy Dani?" I said with a knowing smile on my face. She looked up at me surprised because she didn't know I was there.

Dani- "Are you ever at your own house ugly? You can't sneak up on me like that!"

Jaiden- "No I prefer to be here more. But don't avoid the question!"

Dani- "What makes you think I'm texting a guy?!"

Jaiden- "Come on I know you are. I get that same stupid smile on my face when I'm texting Lauren."

She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her phone while her smile faded.

Jaiden- "What's wrong? Do I need to beat someone up for you?"

Dani- "No. He is a nice guy, but I usually always think that before I get played. I don't know. It's dumb, you don't have to listen to me."

Jaiden- "Yes I do. Its my job to listen. I love Lauren and part of loving Lauren is protecting the people she loves. Besides I kind of thought you and I were friends. So whats his name? Cause if he does something stupid I'll have to make sure I let him know that you have 2 older brothers and me who are here to protect you."

Dani- "Oh my gosh, you are just as bad as my brothers." She said laughing as she rolled her eyes.

Dani- "And his name is Sam."

Jaiden- "Well give him a chance. I know that guys do stupid things sometimes but maybe this one is different. And if its not, and he is just a jerk than I will make sure he regrets being a jerk."

Lauren walked up behind me and stood next to me. She looked up at me with a wide smirk.

Lauren- "Yeah cause you are such a violent person right?" She said sarcastically while laughing at me.

Jaiden- "Hey I can fight!"

Lauren- "Sure you can babe haha. You ready to go?"

Jaiden- "Yeah lets go." I said smiling back down at her.

As we walked past Dani to go out to my car she said one last thing to us.

Dani- "Thanks ugly. You two are actually pretty great for each other. But next time don't scare the crap out of me, and announce yourself before just showing up in our house haha."

Jaiden- "Deal."

Lauren's POV

As we got into Jaiden's car I looked over to him and reached for his hand.

Lauren- "I don't think you actually realize how incredible you are." I said while smiling widely at him.

Jaiden- "Why is that?" He said smiling back at me.

Lauren- "You care so much about everyone. You put everyone's happiness before your own."

Jaiden- "Well I already am happy with you. And I would love to take credit for caring about everyone but I don't think I'm that great... Because I learned that from you." I leaned over the center consul to peck his cheek.

Lauren- "Thank you for being protective over me and my family."

Jaiden- "Will you tell people I can fight?" he said with a childish smirk on his face.

Lauren- "If that's what makes you sleep better at night." I said rolling my eyes and laughing at him. He laughed at first, but then it changed.

He looked at me with a more serious look on his face. His smile faded as he looked down at our fingers that were still intertwined.

Jaiden- "I have to tell you something. It's uhm... it's important." He said hesitantly.

I don't know what he is about to say. It could be good, but I have a knot that is tightening in my stomach because I feel like it is going to be anything but good.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love reading what you have to say. What do you think Jaiden is going to tell Lauren?

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