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1 day later

Jaiden's POV

My parents are home and I didn't know how to tell them yet. I just knew that I had too. I don't think my dad will care as much as my mom will. My mom is the one I'm worried about telling. She will probably start making comparisons because that's all she ever does.

I just finished getting ready when my mom walked in the room. She smiled at me while walking in and kissing my cheek.

Lynda- "Hey you going somewhere? I didn't think you would be ready so early on a Saturday."
Jaiden- "Yeah I actually am going to hang out with Lauren."
Lynda- "Jaiden. I thought we talked about this. You can't hang around this girl."
Jaiden- "Well, I'm going to hang out with her."
Lynda- "What is it about her? Do you just like her because we disapprove?"
Jaiden- "No it's not because you disapprove. It's because I like to be around her. She's nice and she's there for me. That's a couple of the reasons were dating."
Lynda- "You two are dating now? How long have you been together? I knew it from the second I saw her reach for your hand."
Jaiden- "Only a couple weeks, but I still thought you should know."
Lynda- "Jaiden, I'm sure that she is fine and a nice girl but she is not a good girl for you."
Jaiden- "Why? If she's a nice girl than why is she not a good person for me to be with? Please explain that to me because I truly don't understand why you wouldn't want me to be around people who make me happy."
Lynda- "I want you to be happy but you are being selfish with how you are thinking. Just like you are being selfish with your future. You are going to college to become a psychiatrist but who is going to take over our business when your dad and I can't run it anymore? We have worked so hard to give you and your brother the best life we could and neither of you are going to do us the favor of taking over our business."
Jaiden- "I don't want to take over your business! You think that you gave us the best life that you could because we have a lot of money but I don't care about how much money you have! Your money means absolutely nothing to me because money is the reason I never get to see you. Money is the reason we aren't really a family."
Lynda- "Jai of course we are a family. Why would you say that we aren't?"
Jaiden- "Because family shows up to support each other! The last time you showed up to something for me was a football game last year and you were only there for the last 20 minutes. This year, on the games when there are scouts there watching to see if I'm good enough or not for their school I wish that I could look up in the stands and see my parents there supporting me. But I never do. You know who is there? Lauren, her dad and brothers, and my friends... Let's be real for a minute mom, we aren't a family. But the people that I surround myself with have become the family that I continue to miss out on."

Silence filled the room as my mom looked at me with hurt in her eyes. I felt bad that I made her feel that way but I've been holding that in for so long. She needed to know how I felt otherwise I would lose my mind.
I needed to make a point to her that I'm not going to disassociate myself with Lauren or any of my friends just because she doesn't like them.

She began to speak again, her voice was a little shaky.

Lynda- "I'm sorry that we haven't been there. But that's how it has to be. That's the way our life is and I can't change that." She paused for a second and then continued, speaking calmly and quietly. Which wasn't something that happened often.
Lynda- "You should go. I'm guessing Lauren is probably waiting for you. Don't make her wait any longer."

She left my room without another word. I don't know if that was her way of accepting Lauren or if she just didn't want to fight anymore. Normally if she didn't get her way she would stay and make her point until I finally gave in. But I think she knew that I was fed up and there was no way I would give into it this time.

I walked out of my room and down the hall. I walked by my parents room and their door was closed and it never is so I stopped. I stood quietly trying to listen to what my parents were saying. I could her my moms soft whimpers as she was crying. I listened harder to what they were saying, trying to make out the words.

Joe- "It's okay."
Lynda- "No it's not. What are we doing? He's our son and I don't know anything about him. He's right."
Joe- "We are going down to see Scott next week and that will help take your mind off of it. Jaiden is fine. He is just mad because you don't like his girlfriend. It's not like they are going to last anyways. They are seniors in high school and Jaiden wants to go off to college. This is just temporary. Distance isn't good at that age, you know that will effect them."

I couldn't hear the rest of what they were saying but I heard footsteps starting to move towards the door so I quickly went back in my room before they would know that I was there listening.

As I sat in my room I kept thinking about our family and what my dad said. Temporary? Is that really how they view it? I know that we are 18 and that I'm trying to go off to college but who says that it has to be temporary.

I wouldn't have gotten into a relationship with Lauren if I didn't think that we would last. I wouldn't waste my time.

I grabbed my keys and walked out the door to my car. It's not temporary. And I hope that they can see that sooner rather than later. I don't care if there is an unimaginable amount of distance or if there is none at all, I want to make this work.

What do you guys think of Jaiden and Lauren? And what do you think about what Jaiden's parents had to say about them? Let me know what you guys think of the story!(:

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