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A loud horn cut through the silent house, immediately jolting me awake at the sound. I blinked my eyes open and grunted softly, sitting up and looking around for the source of the sound. Of course, Lucinda was in my doorway, a horn in between her lips and her green eyes glinting in the morning sun. I wanted to choke her. Opting for a nonviolent approach to her attempt of waking me up at the kiss of dawn, I threw the blankets off of my body and stumbled out of bed. "Honestly?" I rasped, my voice thick with sleep. "It's like 7 am," I panned, folding my arms across my chest, my braless breasts, pressing into the skin of my arm, instantly warming it.

"Exactly," Lucinda chuckled at me, lowering the horn from her lips. "You are the only worker who isn't down and seated for breakfast. Harry let it pass since it is your first day with us," she said. I chewed on the inside of my cheek at the mention of his name, still longing to wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze until his body was lifeless—I hated his existence at this point, but there was nothing I could do. I began pondering telling Lucinda off, but I didn't want to risk the wrath of Harry; my life was practically in his hands for the next two months. "You need to be dressed in your uniform and downstairs at the breakfast table within the next 15 minutes, or Harry will come up here and get you," she said before giving me a curt nod, and exiting my room.

I rolled my eyes and shut the door as soon as she disappeared, sighing to myself as soon as I noticed the navy blue maids uniform hanging off the top knob of the dresser. I walked over to it and ran my fingers along the fabric of the pants, cringing at the feel of the rough material. "He cannot be serious," I muttered to myself, grabbing the shirt and putting it up against my front. Of course, the shirt was at least two sizes bigger than my natural fit and that caused me to grit my teeth together in annoyance. No doubt about it, Harry picked out the distasteful uniform just to mess with me and poke fun at the fact that he could do whatever he wanted to me, and I, I had to oblige.

I frowned as I walked over to my suitcase, taking my time to find underwear and socks, before grabbing my toothbrush and heading to the bathroom that was connected to the lovely room Harry supplied me with. My room had to have been the only good thing that came out of being here with the equivalent to Hitler. The room reminded me of one of the expensive, fancy hotels my father would take my mother and I to during one of his business trips. Everything was clean and imported from some foreign country and it made me feel like I wasn't here to be his slave, even for a second.

I undressed from my silk night grown before turning on the water, and sticking my hand into it, waiting for it to heat up patiently. I was aware of being low on time, though I didn't care because there wasn't much damage that could have been done to me on my first day. I could come up with a plausible explanation for it all and Harry would excuse it with a warning.  I hummed to myself at the mere thought of my idea, stepping into the shower and pulling my hair out of its high ponytail. I sighed heavily as the water cascaded down my body, instantly relaxing my tense muscles. "I could get used to this," I mumbled to myself, grabbing a bottle of body scrub from the small ledge on the shower.

I sniffed it and smiled at the scent before pouring some on my wash rag and scrubbing my body with it. It wasn't long until a banging was heard on the bathroom door and I jumped, wiping the fog that collected on the shower door away. I peeked out of the now clear glass and furrowed my eyebrows, cracking the door slightly. "Little one," Harry's voice boomed through the door as the banging continued. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, closing the shower door again and proceeding to rinse off. I knew I wouldn't have time to shampoo and condition my hair, so I turned off the water as soon as I was done, and made my way out of the shower. "Rose, open the door," he demanded with a shake of the knob.

"I'm naked!" I shouted, pressing my palms flat against the counter before reaching over for a towel. The knob shook once more before it opened and I screeched, wrapping the towel around my body quickly. "Are you crazy?!" I screamed. I backed myself into the counter, my heart beating out of control as I looked up at his brooding stature with wide eyes. He only stood there, observing my towel-clad body with no emotion at all.

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