Part three.?

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Hey, sorry for the wait for those who read this story. I've been thinking and trying to make this story better but I don't know if I want to continue. Well here's the chapter.

I ran out of his house my mind flooded with the events that just occurred. He says he wanted this but hes a bad boy. I'm a nerd.  I pulled into my driveway and saw mom wasn't home. I sighed and got out of my car. I walked into the house and went up to my room. I decided to put on some music and just zone out. I must of fell asleep because my mom came in and woke me up. "Honey. I have some bad news I have to go to America for a week or so." "And you can't come with me." "wait I'll e here all alone.?" "Yes." "Do you think you'll be okay here alone?" "Yeah mum." "I'll be fine." 
My mum packed her bags that night and left at like two in the morning. 


I sighed. I had to get up for school at least it was Friday. But then again I had to go to Louis' for that damn project. I could just not go. I decided against going. I needed a break from him and two days wasn't enough. It was only 7:30. I'd be leaving by now but not today. I rolled over and went back to bed. 

Louis POV

I looked around for Harry. He wasn't here today. I hope he's alright. Ugh. Tomlinson stop it. He's a nerd. Zayn was right. He wasn't worth it. His cute dimples when he smiled. His chocolate curls. His beautiful green eyes. Stop it. You're not helping yourself at all. 
"Mr. Tomlinson." I was snapped out of my thoughts. "Are you going to answer.?" "Huh.? What. Sorry what was the question." A few kids around me snickered. "I asked if you were alright you look a bit pale." "Uh. No Mrs. I don't feel very well. Can I go up to the nurse.?" "Yeah. Here's a pass." I grabbed the pink slip and walked out of the class room. I really hope Harry is okay. I walked into an empty hallway. I felt my my phone vibrate. It was Zayn.

Zayn: What was that back there. 
Me: Nothing. I just don't feel well. I think I'm gonna go home. 
Zayn: Alright. Text me when you  get there.

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. I decided I was going to Harry's. I walked in without knocking knowing him mum wasn't home. 
"Harry." I called. No answer.  I walked up the stairs to the first door. It was cracked so I peeked in. He was  so beautiful. "Harry." 

"AHH" "How the fucking did you get in my house." "Why the fuck are you in my house." 
"I was just making sure your okay. And the front door was unlocked."  "Jesus." "What the hell are you a freaking stalker.?" "No." "I was just trying to be a good friend and make sure you were okay." "Louis...We aren't friends." "Well why not." I asked mock offended. I grinned at him. "Really?" 
"I swear to-" 
"Hey now. Let's not get violent." "Harry." "I really want to be friends and no before you even think it it's not because of the damn project I really want to be your friend. I think you're amazing and adorable. And you just make my heart melt. Can we please please please pleasee, try to be friends. I swear no one will pick on you. Me, Zayn, Liam, nobody. And Niall s off limits too. No one will touch him. Please can we try.?" 

"I-I sure." He stuttered he smiled but he looked worried. 
"Wait. You think I'm adorable.?" 
"yeah I do. I just. You're so innocent and sweet to everyone. And I would like totally marry you-"
"Okay that's enough of this topic." "Moving right along then." 
I chuckled. He was someone I would really go out with. I mean he is just perfection.
"Would you, you know, ever consider dating someone, well, like me.?"
To say I was taken aback would be an understatement. 
"Harry what do you mean. I'm not sure what you mean by that." 
"I-I mean like a nerd. Socially awkward. Freak." "Just. I guess what I'm asking id would you ever date me.?"
I smirked at the boy. "Harry. Are you trying to ask me out." 
"I-i-iI N-no I j-just I-I guess I am. I don't know." 
He tripped over his words so many times it was just so cute. "Harry." "Are you asking me out. Just answer yes or no." 
"Y-yeah. I g-g-guess I am. Please don't hate me if you say no please don't hate me I've liked you for soo long even when you were bullying me. Please don't hate me. Please I don't want to lose you please." 
"Harry. I would love to date you." "You're smart and funny. And even a little awkward. That's what make you you. And I love that about you." 
He looked shocked. Like someone had just killed his puppy that he just got that day right infront of him. 
"S-so is that a yes.?" 
"Let me think" 
And with that I leaned forward and kissed the boy. He did n't move at first but soon grasped what had happened and he started moving his lips against mine. I swiped my tongue against his bottom lip asking for entrance which he quickly gave to me.   I let my tongue search every inch of my mouth his doing the same. Our tongues danced in a battle for dominance which I let him have. My lungs were screaming for air before we pulled away. 
"Loubear." "That was amazing." 
"Loubear.?" I asked. 
"It's your nickname. From me. I don't have to call you that if you don't want me too or if you don't like it." I pecked his lips so stop him from talking. 
"Hazza." "I love it." He blushed a crimson red at the name. 

"Cuddle with me. I'm kinda tired." "Yeah of course love." 
 "I love you Haz." "Love you too Lou." 
I put my arm around him and pulled him close. I fell asleep with the most beautiful boy in the world cuddled up next to me. 

A/N Oh my gosssshhhhh. I am horrible. I don't even know half of what I wrote. But 1k words. Yaayy. It's like 4:30 in the A.M over here so idk. But still debating on what I should do with this book. Thinking about continuing. I have no clue. But whatever. All the love. Xx 

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