9 and 3/4

9 0 1

I pushed my trolley with my brown and white mixed owl and my trunk on top. I was excited yet scared to be going to a new school, new people and not to mention people like me, people who are different. People actually understand me and one of them has to know how I feel, how hard it is to be, well, like me. I kept a smile on my face like always an stopped when my mum and dad did. "Why'd we stop?" I asked "we have to go now, Addie my darling but we will miss you with all my heart." My mum said about to cry but I know she's trying to stay strong for me. "We'll see you in June, we promise." My dad said "Maybe even more." They handed me my ticket, hugged me, kissed my cheek and forehead and then left. I looked at the ticket and it read:

9 3/4
Hogwarts Express

They must be mental! There's no such thing as 9 and 3/4, it's like saying there's post on Sunday's! I started to walk to the platforms 9 and 10 when I saw a blonde haired girl, her blonde haired mum, her blonde haired what looked to be a brother and two other, much older then me, twin brothers. I heard them talking and how they were late. Late for what? "Hurry up everyone! We have to get to 9 3/4 before we miss the train!" The mum said and at that I stopped and looked over. Did they say 9 3/4? Omg they did! That's bloody brilliant! I approached them shyly but still smiling but as I did the brother that weren't one of the twins but looked my age ran straight to the wall and straight through it. I've never seen anything like it, I saw him literally disappear into the wall how could you not freak out. Ummm...hello." I said to the mum "Do you think you could, ummm... Possibly uh... Help me with the, well ummm, that thing." I pointed to the wall. "Well of course dear, absolutely!" The woman said cheerfully and warming "it's Gia's first time at Hogwarts too." I'm guessing Gia was the blonde haired, only girl and may I add very pretty out of this whole group besides the woman. "It's a pleasure to meet you!" Gia said to me kindly and smiling. I smiled back and shook the hand she had out for me. The two twins, Fin and Gregg, went through the wall and then it was just us, just us and Mrs. Johnson ( which I've found out is there last name ) I was very, very, very nervous. But I didn't see how you couldn't! Your going at full speed towards a wall that could seal itself at any moment! I wiped the thought away and started to run at the wall with Gia. We both went straight through the brick wall that held up the sign that said platform 10 on it. Not even 10 seconds there was Mrs. Johnson behind us. "Goodbye girls and honey I didn't get your name, what is it?" She asked "Adelaide Dawson is my name Mrs. Johnson." I said to her giving the train perish my stuff. Her and Gia gasped. "No way that's not possible! I can't be live I met you and I didn't revenue know it?!" She said. "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what's going on right now." I said confused and I am. "I guess I'll explain it to you one the train." Gia said just as confused as me "ok." I said, a little relieved and a little scared. We got on the train and looked for somewhere to sit and when we did I asked her "so what were you talking about?"

Ok, I'll try and write as much as possible because I don't have a lot of followers and like why even write the book but whatever. Sorry it's so short btw! Bye!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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