Finding Olivia

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It was a new day no one was really worried about what Dumbledore said yesterday and wasn't ever planning on to. The golden trio were going to see Hagrid when Ron ran into a girl who looked a few years older than them. Ron ignored it as the girl was lying on the floor. Hermione nudged Ron and have him a look to go help Harry help her up and apologize, Ron went back and said, "Sorry next time you should watch out-" but then Harry smacked the back of his head and Ron than corrected himself and said, "I mean my bad." Then have Harry a mean squint how he is going to get him back for hitting him. The girl then chuckled a bit and said, "No worries, an accident right." Ron smiled back and then hermione said in a small voice a bit confused, "why did you laugh." The girl just looked at hermione with a mean look and then looked back at Ron while then hermione ignored her attitude and rolled her eyes. Harry broke all the tension and asked, "who are you I haven't seen you around before?" The girl replied, "My name is Olivia and to be honest I'm not quite sure where I am." Ron quickly replied back and said, "Olivia what a beautiful name." Hermione said jealously after, "anyone can have the name Olivia- I mean hermione is a quite nice name to me." Ron didn't reply. Harry than broke the tension that was happening again thank goodness and said, "wait what do you mean you don't know where you are?" Olivia just said she was walking through the forest and ended up here." The golden trio looked at each other in a panic all knowing she was a muggle than grabbed Olivia's arm and started to run to Dumbledore's office.

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