Chapter 3

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"Now the railroads can get pretty hectic, Kat, so if you ever want to leave, just say the word and we'll go, okay?" Lana told me, looking over at me as we drove down a dirt road that lead to a small parking lot. "Do you want me to be the designated driver so you can drink?"
"I'll drive home, I'm not much of a drinker at parties." I pointed out with a sweet nod. "You have fun."
The two of us got out and she linked arms with me as we walked down a flight of stairs that nature had come close to claiming back completely. In the near distance, I heard a song that I didn't know, and a few cheers and yells.
"I'll introduce you to everyone, don't worry. And I promise not to leave you." Lana patted my shoulder firmly.
"I appreciate that, thank you." I sighed in relief, assuming that she'd be the kind of person to leave one alone at a party.
"No problem!" She cheered as we reached the crowd of people and a few of them turned towards us with massive grins on their faces.
"Is this the new girl?" A boy with blonde hair and faded blue eyes asked, handing Lana a red cup filled with a neon yellow beverage.
"Yup, this is Kat," Lana said with a giggle as she took a gulp of the drink. I guess they never learned not to take an open drink from anyone at a party.
"Katherine." I corrected her. I was never a fan of being called Kat, ever since I was little. If anything, I'd tolerate Kathy.
"Great to meet ya, Kat." Oh boy. "I'm Peter. C'mon, let's get you a drink." He stuck his hand out and I placed my hand in his.
"I'm not drinking tonight. Just a water for me." I told him, and he nodded.
"It's good you're driving, she wouldn't be able to after one drink. Lana's a lightweight." Peter told me with a smile. Okay, he doesn't seem too bad.
"I can tell." I glanced back at her, and she was already dancing like she didn't know how to.
Peter dug his hand into a cooler and pulled out a bottle of water, and handed it to me. I checked the top to see if it was sealed, and it was. Thank god.
I thanked him for the drink and he took me around the crowd, introducing me to a few people; a boy named Daniel, and two girls named Amara and Thalia. They snagged me away from Peter, which I was kind of grateful for, since it seemed like he was getting touchy and tipsy and I was not about to have to punch someone.
"So what really brings you out here to England?" Thalia asked. I could tell already she was from Canada, with the way she pronounced 'out'.
"Heardshire is our sister school, so we competed academically all last year to see who gets to come this year. What about you, what brought you here?" I asked her.
"Dad's job." Thalia shrugged with a small smile. "And my mom and I weren't planning to stay in Canada very long anyway. We would've moved to Montana for her job."
"Thal is our resident Canadian." Amara piped up, after being silent for a while. "Our friend, Andy, was actually selected to go to your school."
"Oh, that's cool." I smiled and took a sip from my second bottle of water.
"How do you like it here so far, Katherine?" Daniel asked.
"It's not much different than where I'm from. I'm in the country back home, and I'm in the country here. It helps with the homesickness, I guess."
"Have you met Joanna's fit as fück boyfriend?" Thalia swooned.
"I have, yeah." I nodded. See, I'm not the only one who thinks he's slightly attractive. Slightly.
"He's a total prick though," Dan said, shaking his head quickly. "You know, he's a professor?" We all nodded. "Well, I heard he had an affair with one of his youngest students."
"Talk is crap, Dan. It's probably bullshît." Thalia smacked his shoulder.
"I heard it from my sister, who dated the guy who lived next door to the girl he fücked."
"He seemed like a pretty douchey guy, anyways." I shrugged for what seemed like the millionth time that night.
"He's still fit. I'd jump his bones any day of the week." Thalia shot Dan a smirk, and he glared at her, but she placed her hand on his thigh and he seemed to calm down a bit. Okay, they're dating.
"No, Peter, I told you it wouldn't happen again!" I heard Lana say from a few yards away from us. I turned to look at her and saw Peter holding her back against a tree. Dan shot right up and I did after him and we went over to them. He pulled Peter off of her and the two boys fell to the ground. Lana fell right up against me and hugged me tight. She wasn't crying or anything, she was just...whining.
"I wanna go home." She told me.
"Yeah, we'll go." I nodded and helped her walk. We had just barely made it up the stairs when she mumbled, "I don't feel so good," turned over, and puked.
I held her hair away from her face and waited until she was finished, mumbling, "It's okay, you'll be okay."
"I'm sorry, Kat." She blubbered, standing up straight after she was done. "I didn't mean to get like this."
"It's fine, lets just get you back home." I helped her get into the car and she quickly fell asleep before I could even get in on the other side. I drove the car back to the house, doing surprising well with driving on the other side of the road. I had sent Joanna a text that I would need help getting Lana to bed before we left, and her and Michael were waiting outside for us.
"What bloody happened?" Joanna asked me. "Was she drinking again?"
"I don't want to get her in trouble, but yes." I sighed. I knew she wasn't eighteen yet like I was, and it wasn't legal for her to drink yet.
"Michael, please help Katherine get Lana to bed. I've had a very long day." Joanna rubbed her temples and groaned as she walked back inside. Michael slung one of Lana's arms over his shoulder, and I did the same with the other. We managed to get her up the stairs and into her bed without banging her against the wall. Michael sat down on the chair in the corner of her room and sighed. I took off Lana's shoes and jacket, leaving her in her loose floral dress, before pulling the blanket over her body.
"I didn't think she'd let herself get like this again," Michael mumbled, looking down at the floor.
"She's done this before?" I asked him curiously.
"A few times. I was worried she'd drive back, but I'm glad you did instead. She could've put you—and herself—in danger."
"We're okay. Me more so, but she should be fine tomorrow, omitting the raging headache." I laughed softly, earning a short chuckle from Michael.
"You've got school the next day. Are you ready for it?" He asked me.
"Yeah, I think so. Hopefully it won't be too different." I smiled.
"I doubt it."
I cleared my throat softly, "Well I should be getting to bed; it's late."
"And I've got a long drive back home," Michael agreed. He stood up and said goodnight, before walking down the stairs and I heard the door shut behind him. I got into bed after changing into my pajamas. I didn't pick up my copy of Tess tonight.

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