Chapter 4

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"Joanna?" I called as I walked into the front door of her estate, which had oddly been left open. All lights were off, except for one, upstairs, down the hall. I made my way upstairs, slowly and cautiously, and walked down the hall towards the light that shined through the cracked doorway. I pushed the door open slowly, and realized I was in Katherine's room. I walked in further, and the door shut behind me. I felt two warm hands caress my shoulders from behind.
"Joanna and Lana aren't home," Katherine whispered into my ear, lightly kissing the skin just behind my lobe.
I exhaled sharply, and turned around to face her, "So it's just us?"
"It's just us." A sly smile formed across her face as she moved her arms up mine, stopping at my neck.
"Lay down." I commanded her, and she obliged, laying down on her bed with her hands above her head and her legs parted, as if she knew what I wanted. What I needed.
I climbed on top of her and slipped my tie off, using it to bind her hands together. I did the same to her legs, but used the stockings that she was wearing to do so.
"Come on, Michael. You need this. I need this." Katherine purred, as I hiked up the skirt she was wearing so it was above her hips. Her knickers were black and laced, almost all the way around; they didn't leave little to the imagination. Her smooth, olive skin was almost completely exposed to me, and I was not about to lose the opportunity to fück her. I began pulling her knickers to the side, and just when I was about to lose myself between her legs, I heard Joanna's voice call my name. When I looked up at Katherine, it wasn't the same youthful face that had been moaning my name just moments before. And it wasn't the same soft skin under my fingers. It was Joanna.

I woke with a start. Sweating. Heart pounding. I looked to the other side of the bed, praying Katherine was sound asleep next to me, but I was alone. Joanna had asked me to take the girls to school today, since she had to go into work early and my first class wasn't until eleven. It was nearly seven thirty, and the girls needed to be in school at eight. I jumped out of bed, and pulled on a pair of brown trousers and a grey marled jumper, with the same brown boots I wear every fücking day.


Twenty minutes later, I was parked in front of Joanna's house and honking my horn. Out of the house came one girl, not two. And it was Katherine. She climbed in the front seat of my car and as she did so, her red and white striped dress came up just enough to expose her inner thigh, which caught my attention for a brief moment.
I cleared my throat, "Erm, where's Lana?"
"She had to leave early for a field hockey meeting," Katherine said quietly.
"And why didn't you go with her?" Please fücking say it's because you wanted to see me.
"She said to sleep in a little bit more. She left before six a.m." She shrugged slightly and caught sight of the radio. "Could I put some music on?"
"I prefer to drive without it," I responded curtly.
She didn't say anything after that.
During the entire drive, my dream from the night before replayed in my mind, up until the part where Joanna's face showed up. I wish it hadn't, but I'm glad it did in a way. I might have slept in too late to take Katherine to school, and I like being around her.
I stopped a few feet away from the entrance to the school and parked the car. "Do you need me to walk you in?"
"I think I can manage," she said, a bit of amusement in her tone.
Well that's a big 'fuck off, perv' if I've ever seen one before.
"I'll see you later then." I cleared my throat. Katherine climbed out of the car and leaned her head in.
"Thanks for the ride."
You are most welcome, Miss Katherine Moore.



I strolled away from Michael's car with ease, praying I didn't trip on an unseen crack or over my own two feet.
"Katherine!" Dan's voice called from in front of me. I smiled at his familiar face and walked to join him and Amara.
"You excited for your first day?" Amara asked softly, smiling at me.
"More than I should be, probably." They laughed at my statement and within a few seconds, Thalia was wrapping her arms around me in a hug.
"Have you got your schedule yet?" She asked me.
"I got it in an email a few days ago." I pulled out my phone and all three of them did the same, looking at their schedules, and then at mine.
"We've got every class together!" Amara cheered and we high-fived each other.
"We've all got the same lunch period, thank god, unlike last year." Thalia groaned.
"I'll see you guys at lunch then." Dan frowned, realizing he had no classes with any of us. Amara, Thalia, and I all shared gym and Literature.
"It's okay, babe, we'll see each other a bunch." Thalia pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek, causing him to blush profusely.
The bell rang a few minutes later, and Amara and I walked off to our first period: Art History.


Throughout the entire day, it was like I got stared at constantly. I heard that a few boys had made a bet whether or not they could take my virginity before Christmas. As many boyfriends as I had back home, I my V-card saved for someone special, who I wasn't sure if I had even met yet.
The four of us had met up at lunch and Lana practically acted like she didn't even know who I was. You'd think she would've at least said hello to me, but nope. Nothing.
I wasn't extremely disappointed but I was a bit insulted. We were sharing a house together for the entire year, and I hoped she wouldn't act like this for the entire time.
"Is Michael coming to pick you up?" Thalia asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"No, I don't think so." I shook my head as we walked out of our final class of the day with Amara on my left and Thalia on my right.
"Well, he's standing right there, waiting for you." Amara pointed casually. I followed her finger and caught sight of Michael, leaning against his car with his arms crossed.
"Oi, Kathy! Need a lift?"
You bet I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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