Niall said that he was going to schedule me a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, but I don’t know what for. I feel fine. He also asked me if I was pregnant. No. I waked out of the bathroom and into the main room where all the boys were. When they noticed I was present, they all looked at me apologetically. “What?” I asked. They are freaking me out. “N-Nothing, babe.” Liam spoke up. “Well, I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back soon.” I stated, and walked out of the bus. Did I mention that when all the hospitalizations happened, my Mum completely pulled me out of school? That’s why I’m not in school right now. As I walked down the streets of London, I got a call. Bridgette?
“Falon! I just saw you on TV!”
“Wouldn’t surprise me.”
“You sound pissed. Wanna meet up?”
“Yea, I really need a friend. Starbucks? Right now?”
“Sound like a plan. See you there, Falon.”
And with that, I hung up the phone. I haven’t seen Bridgette for a long time! I wonder how she is. As I walked the short distance to Starbucks, I was spotted by fans. And they know some really good French. It got to the point where I pulled my earphones out and plugged them in my ears, and then I blared my music. I knew going public with Niall and I’s relationship was a bad idea. But, one girl came up to me. She looked around 14 or 15 and she asked for a picture with me. I kindly did, and we chatted a bit. She seemed really nice. She said she had to go, and so did I. Then, we parted ways. I finished my short walk to Starbucks, and went inside. Instantly I saw my friend. “Falon!” She yelled, engulfing me in a hug. “Bridgette!” I yelled back, returning the hug. “How have you been? I heard your life is getting pretty hectic?” she stated, nudging my side. I squirmed away from her touch and giggled. “A little bit, yeah. But it’s not all bad. I mean, I am practically living with one direction!” I said, a little too exited. “Seems great! Tell Niall, if he ever thinks about ‘Hitting it and quitting it’ I am going to find him, and cut off his balls.” She said, taking a sip of her iced coffee. “This is why I love you!” I said, taking a sip of my hot chocolate. “but, I need to tell you something.” I added, after I put my warm beverage down. Bridgette shot me a confused look. “What is it?” “Earlier, I was sitting on Niall’s lap, and when he kissed me I felt sick. So I ran to the bathroom. It has been happening for a few weeks, though. Niall came in there and he asked me if I was pregnant. I said no, because I’m still a virgin. Then he asked me if I remembered. He didn’t tell me anything after that. Bridgette, I’m scared.” I said, a single tear slipping out of my eye. “Is it possible that you could be?” she asked, wiping tears away. “I don’t remember allot of stuff before the crash.” I said. “What crash?” Bridgette asked, a look of worry washing over her. “The night I kissed harry. I went for a drive. And a car hit me, head on.” I replied, bringing back the bad memory. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I answered it.
“Hey babe.”
“You need to come home, we have an appointment today.”
“Okay, I’m on my way. I’m bringing a friend.”
“Okay, just hurry.”
“I will, bye.”
What I quick convo! “Who was that?” Bridgette asked. “Niall, I need to go home. He said he got an appointment for me today. Wanna come?” I asked. “I would love to. I need to be there for you!” she replied, hugging me. “Well, okay. We need to go.”
sorry for the long overdue update. my mom was holding my laptop captive. i will update soon! i promise!

Marry me. Simple, but effective.
Fanfictionfalon is a teenage girl who is bullied really bad by a girl named kaylee. her life is flipped around when she meets niall horan in an alleyway.