*Falon’s POV*
We arrived back at the house where everyone suddenly decided to come outside. Goodness gracious. I got out of the car, and as soon as I did Niall ran up to be and gave me the biggest ‘Horan Hug’ ever. “Well, hello to you too.” I said, pecking his gently on the lips. “Everyone, this is my friend, Cat. Cat, this is everyone.” I added, still in Niall’s arms.
“Hi.” She said shyly, waving her right hand a little bit. Then, her eyes ,met with Harry’s. I could of sworn I heard wedding bells.
“MHM, let’s go inside, and leave them some privacy.” Liam suggested. We all obliged without hesitation.
When we got inside, I smelled something very familiar. “MONKEYT BREAD!!!!” I yelled, then ran to the kitchen.
“I wonder who you remind me of? Oh yeah! Niall!” Bridgette stated in a sarcastic voice as she followed closely behind me to the kitchen.
“Shush it Bridgette. I love Monkey Bread.” I said glaring at her in a playful way.
I walked in the kitchen, and there was a whole pan of Monkey bread sitting on the counter top.
“You can’t eat it yet. It’s for later.” Niall said, wrapping his arms around me.
I turned around to look him in the eyes. “You, my friend, are a party pooper.” I said, and then pecked him on the lips. But soon, the simple peck that I expected to give turned into a long heated make-out session. I pulled away from Niall’s lips and looked him in the eyes. “Let’s go upstairs.”
“TAG!” Niall yelled as he poked me side. Before I could say something he was already running up the stairs.
“NIALL! GET YOUR PUNY BUTTY BACK HERE!” I yelled as I ran closely behind him. I finally caught up to him and tackled him to the ground. “You’re it.” I whispered then pecked his lips.
“Nope!” he yelled again, and pushed me off him. When I looked up he was going inside our room.
“That boy.” I rolled my eyes as I got up from the floor, and ran to our room. I walked in the room slowly, but nobody was in there. I closed the door and a pair of hands wrapped around me.
“Got you.” Niall’s voice sounded in my ear, but it seemed raspier.
“Niall.” I squealed. I turned around and his lips instantly crashed into mine. I tangled my hands in his hair, gently tugging. He walked me backwards to the bed and pushed me down. Soon, his body was on top of mine. Instantly, he stopped and looked at me. “I want it, Niall.”
“No, I can’t. You’re pregnant.” He explained and got off of me.
“Niall, it’s quite alright. I’m not that far along.”
“No. I can’t. I’m sorry, Princess.” He said, before giving me a light kiss.
“I love you.” I said, giving him the3 puppy dog eyes.
“I… I love you too.” He said, and walked out of the door. And there I was. Sitting on our bed, wanting more.
“Hey, why are you crying?” Alexus asked as she walked in our bedroom.
“I didn’t even notice I was crying. Alexus….”
“Does Niall hate me?”
“Of course not! Why would you think that?”
“He wouldn’t go… All the way with me because I’m pregnant. And he was hesitant on saying I love you back. I think he’s cheating on me..”
Soooooo sorry for the late update! i have been suuuuper busy! i've beenstudying to get my learners permit and blah blah blah. but i will be better about updating.

Marry me. Simple, but effective.
Fanfictionfalon is a teenage girl who is bullied really bad by a girl named kaylee. her life is flipped around when she meets niall horan in an alleyway.