Dream Catchers and Mermaids

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Sitting on my bed I stared at the door for awhile, just lingering at his smell and his touch. Is he going to come back tonight? Because I really want him to.. Is that bad? You need to stop thinking about him like this, it's just a boy. But a beautiful perfect boy. Gradually I got up and tip toed to my door, under my toes and bare feet felt like frozen over concrete. Gently and slowly I opened my door just a crack looking around and saw that it was empty in the hallway. I have to pee so bad. So I took a step out of my door and a nurse all of a sudden appeared. "Bathroom?" She said in a rush. I nodded and watched as she came into my room and unlocked it for me. Closing the door behind me I looked around the small area. Usually when I had been into restrooms they had painted walls and pictures and some type of smelly hand soap or something. This was plain. Nothing but white walls, paper towels, a toilet and sink. I pulled my underwear down and shivered at how cold the toilet was, I did my business like anyone else and washed my hands, brushed my teeth. And got out of there, I was starting to get claustrophobic. Taking one step out of that bathroom I groaned internally because I needed to change, quickly I grabbed some clothes that were put on my desk, maybe my mom brought them? I didn't know. But it was a hoodie and some baggy sweatpants. They smelled like home and my vanilla bean perfume I smiled softly. I walked out of the bathroom and stumbled back when Stephan was back in my room. "Well hi princess" he said with his smooth tone. He walked over and took my nurse scrubs from my hands and folded them putting them on my shelf. I watched as he did so. Why is he being so nice to me, does he do this with all the girls? No. He couldn't. Right? "We have an art therapy group soon, your gonna be there right?" He looked me up and down smirking. Crossing my arms over my chest I replied "I'm not sure, are you going?" With the smirk still glued to his face he spoke slow. "Unless there's something else you would rather do? But the nurses usually come looking for you" Biting my lip I watched him, urged terribly to go do something else but instead spoke out "We should probably go then." I said sharply. Nodding he opened the door for me and I walked out and backed straight into the wall, letting out a soft sigh. His eyes shot towards me, but with concern not anger or confusion. "It gets better. I promise. I'm right here princess. Ok?" Slowly I nodded. He reached out and grabbed my hand taking me to the room where the art therapy was, before we reached the door he had squeezed my hand reassuringly and dropped it gently. He waited for me to walk inside first and followed in suit after me, I went to the chair farthest away from everyone. In the corner of the room. Instead of insisting for me to sit closer to people or anyone else, he just came and sat next to me. "Hey guys how are you doing today?" Mutters and mumbles came from everyone saying things like "pretty good" "it could be worse" "can we please just get started" etc. Nodding in agreement the man just sighed softly, yet with hope. "Go get your things, let's see what we have going so far." Pulling my knees into my chest, I sat. The man started walking in my direction and I started mumbling under my breath. "Please don't come over here please don't please please plea-" "Hey Carson, my names Aadam" Looking up at him forcing a smile I replied cheerfully "Hey, nice to meet you" he spoke back "was there something you wanted to work on?" Before I could reply Stephan interrupted "She just wanted to doodle on a paper for today, see what she can do. If that's alright?" He said and winked at me, I smiled gratefully. "Why of course! Let your mind do what it desires" Aadam smiled and walked off back to his spot. "Thank you so much for getting me out of that" I said relieved at Stephan. "He's a little over barring sometimes" He chuckled softly and set a piece of paper down which had a beautiful drawing. A mermaid on a rock in a sunset. It was a classic non original idea but the way it was done was original. Perfect. "Y-you have an amazing talent" I whispered still staring at the Art. "Oh is nothing, but thank you" He blushed, blushed? Now I know this boy didn't do this to every girl. He was blushing, not being cocky. He was so beautiful. Like a dream, yet reality. I set my arm down on the table and laid my head down on my arm as well, and picked up a pencil Stephan brought me and started doodling on a paper. Random things like stars, cats, but most of all I kept drawing dream catchers. I don't know why I was so obsessed with them. Having one in my room when I was little that's what I stared at. When things went bad. That was all I had. But why would I want something like that, to be kept up with my future. Why oh why.

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