Trudging feet, and the others

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"Carson you need to come out and eat now, I'm not going to tell you again" One of the guy nurses had said, he'd been in my room about six other times saying the same thing. I rolled over facing the door feeling my stomach turn as if it was a wash machine. I groaned internally as I sat up using all my strength, and felt my feet hit the frozen floor. I pulled my hood over my long blonde dyed and tangled hair. Keeping my head down I opened the door, realizing that the door handle was made with no edges. Probably so I couldn't hang myself, or any other kids in here. At least I think they are kids. I looked around at some people as a nurse pointed to where I was supposed to be going. Nodding once in thanks I kept my steps short, short and slow. Until I walked into a room with other kids, I was right. Another nurse had noticed me "Carson! Nice of you to join us for dinner. Your tray is here." She pointed towards a tray with fruits on it, and whatever was under the lid. I slid into the chair and crossed my legs under me, looking at the table in front of me filled with maybe twelve kids both guys and girls. They didn't even seem to notice me, continuing to talk among themselves or stay completely silent. I let my eyes drift upon them until my eyes froze, over a beautiful boy. He looked about sixteen. He had the most chiseled face, his cheekbones perfectly noticeable. His jawline looked as if it had been carved from stone. Black as obsidian rock, his hair was perfectly laying across part of his forehead. Biting my lip my eyes averted to his eyes. A ghostly blue covered both, slowly fading into green towards his pupils. He was beautiful. Perfect. Almost unrealistic. Completely engaged with his beauty I didn't realize he had been looking back at me, instantly feeling my cheeks come aflame like fire, I looked down at my tray. Grabbing the plastic fork in my hand I staked it into a piece of pineapple, slowly taking it into my mouth I closed my eyes; oh how it reminded me of home. Home was so far. Blinking away the thoughts I finished the fruit and left the rest of the unknown food untouched. Looking around I went to put my tray where everyone else was but got stopped as a nurse took note of what I was doing maybe, or I'm not even sure. She let me pass and put the tray away. Feeling a pair of eyes against my back, I slowly turned to see the beautiful boy looking at me. Again I had blushed, and put my head down quickly walking back to my room, closing the door, and curling into my bed. Not understanding why he felt so right, without even a word from his lips made my brain work harder than usual. Drifting in and out from sleep, my arm was still burning. Concentrating hard on my blanket covered in softness, I drifted off into sleep. With the boy so unrealistic on my mind, I fell asleep into a dark dark slumber. Hoping I would wake up not here, not in a hospital. But at home, with my dog and normal scent.

~~~~~~Authors notes~~~~~
Thank you so much for reading! I know the chapters are short right now but they are slowly getting longer! As I said before this is my first time writing on watt pad. Please vote and comment! Xoxo

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