Prepare for it, Chapter 2

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All around them they heard screams. They themselves weren't screaming. They all froze. It's like the sound was continuing but the world had stopped and nobody breathed. It was only 1 min and Shaun had talked. "What now." Everyone looked at Shaun. Everyone had fear there eyes. "Look, guys I know your scared. But everyone needs to calm it. We need to find weapons." Shaun said. Nathan peeped up and said "Tech. There are saws and...." Cherise interrupted " Everyone will go there, home ec has knifes and its round this corner" They all went round the corner and saw hell. There was blood. Students they knew. Lying on the floor . Lying in a pool of blood. Megan puked on the floor. She couldn't take it. The home ec rooms were full of people at the doors. " I guess people also thought it was a good idea to get into the home ec room" cherise said. A girl saw Nathan and jumped at him, lucky Nathan dodged it because the girl had a knife, They all looked at her. she had broken her leg. But she was like a zombie, she was still trying to kill the victim. She crawled towards the group with the knife trying to stab their feet, luckly Shaun was wearing steel toe caps cause the knife didn't go through and the girl wa confused. Shaun kicked the girl In the face and she laid there, on the ground. "SHAUN! YOU JUST KILLED A LITTLE GIRL" Jenna screamed at Shaun "It's kill or be killed Jenna, she was gonna kill us if we didn't do anything" Shaun stared at Jenna. "Look guys tech is gonna be the same. We need to hide." Megan implied. Just then. The booming voice was back. It said " Ok, I see that you might be confused of what to do. Its gonna be a test. In each room there are tests, puzzles. If you win these puzzles you will win gear for your whole group. Food, weapons, items. But there are 10 keys to be found. If you find all 10, you may leave. But you may have to kill to get these keys, once you find each key. You must come to the headmasters office to get out. Now the doors... WILL OPEN"

the sound of open doors echoed through the halls. Sam pointed out a door that nobody has gone through. They entered to see a envelope on the floor and boxes and pressure pads. Cherise opened the envelope and read out "If one must open the box, thy dreams will appear" Lizzy said "MAYBE INSIDE THE BOX IS DILDOS" Jenna looked at Lizzy and said "LIZZY this is no time for jokes" Shaun tried to open the boxes but they couldn't open, Nathan suggested " Maybe if we put the boxes on the pads we can get it?" They tried that, Nathan, Shaun and Megan pushed the boxes and a loud noise appeared, a box suddenly appeared at the back of the room, they ran towards it. Lennon pushed it open and saw about 8 different weapons. Shaun and cherise took them out an lay them on the floor, then they all realised something, each of these weapons were a weapon of choice. Sam wanted a katana, Cherise wanted a tase, Lennon wanted a shield. They all took the weapon they wanted, Sam got her katana, Jenna got a sword which she named Excalibur, Shaun got the HK416, Nathan got a red blade sword which he called crypter. Lizzy got a DSR56 Sniper, Lennon got a shield and called it agin. Megan got a hand weapon called "iron fists" Which she called igon. And Cherise got a tase which can change from electric to any element which she nicknamed the igons.

They were all ready to battle. But they were too scared to aswell. They decided to face their fears and try to find another room with food. They exited the room and went round the corner to where the home ec classes were and saw lots of gunfire and swords being flung around. There were body parts everywhere. Megan puked. The screams were horrific. It's like if it was world war 3, but with teenagers.

The Sha Series Book 1: United as we fallWhere stories live. Discover now