Chapter 3, left

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They decided not to join the fight in the corridor, But it was tempting. Suddenly a thought went through Nathan's mind. The doors next to art. When facing art. If you turn left. There are doors. Nathan ran towards them. He pushed through them and they opened. The group followed him. Outside even the world wasn't the world, it was all purple and fresh air didn't feel fresh. Cherise looked at the sky. She missed the way the clouds circled. She loved how if you stand so still that you can actually see the world move. It was magical. But this world. Was wrong. It felt like something was missing l. And there was. No clouds. No sun. Just purple. It was like if God had spray painted the sky purple. It just wasn't beautiful. Lennon walked over to the music door. It was open. Lennon shouted them. They got their weapons ready. The practice rooms weren't practice rooms, they were short puZZLES which looks short. So they split into groups, Lennon went with Sam. Cherise went with Shaun, Lizzy went with Nathan and Jenna went with Megan.

Nathan and Lizzy were done fairly quick. Sam and Lennon and Cherise and Shaun were quick too but Megan and Jenna took awhile. They found food which would last them about 4 days which was good. But there was one final room. The staff base. They all went inside and found a huge room. The envelope said. " London bridge is falling down." The room looked fairy simple. There was a bridge in the middle towards the box. Shaun was about to cross it before Lennon grabbed him and pulled him away. "SHAUN, don't you see. Once someone steps on that bridge. The person falls."Shaun stared at Lennon and the bridge. He went back and forth. Lizzy face palmed and said "Even I knew that" Sam looked around and saw that there was a torch at the right side. Sam got it. "Maybe we burn the bridge. Since its wood?" It didn't work. It just repeled the flame. Then Nathan thought maybe we drop it on the bridge? They did that. It worked! But. The bridge was gone and they didnt know what to do. "I'm gonna go for it" Shaun said. And before anyone said anything he Jumped over to the other side. He made it. He grabbed the box. But then they were worried In how to get back. Shaun picked up the box and saw a pad under it. Suddenly the bridge appeared. Shaun walked across. "NOOO" Nathan shouted. The bridge was "falling down" Shaun only noticed and he threw the box which luckly landed. He grabbed on to the side. Suddenly a loud voice not like the other one appeared, it was counting down from 10 "YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE" Jenna kept pulling, tears in her eyes. She was not giving up. "IM NOT LEAVING YOU" 5.... "YOU HAVE TO JENNA" 2...... "NOOOOOOOOO.............." 0......... The door slammed shut and they heard a locking noise. They couldn't see inside the room. Lennon, Sam, Nathan, Cherise, Megan and Lizzy stared at the door. Lennon had the box in his hands. He lay it on the floor and opened it. It was a yellow key.

The Sha Series Book 1: United as we fallWhere stories live. Discover now