Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

I crawled all the way to the bathroom. I was in so much pain I didn't want to move. I felt sick to my stomach. All I kept asking myself was what happened last night and why was my ass so sore.

When I bust opened the door, I saw Toby on the floor, by the toilet, back against the wall. He looked almost dead. He only had some pajama pants on. I guess I had his shirt on. But how?

I didn't ask any questions till I was done puking my guts out. I sat in front of him and just looked at him, confused.

"What happened last night," I asked," why do I feel like shit? Or why are we dressed like this? Why am I so sore?"

"We had a party last night and we had sex again." He answered weekly.

"How do you remember?"

"I had a dream while passed out and as I was puking I put all the pieces together."

Didn't make sense, but I went along with it. When we finally felt the strength to stand, we walked slowly to the downstairs to see if anyone was still up. He suddenly pushed me gently to the wall before even going down the stairs. He started kissing my neck and it felt so good. I let out a moan.

"Why are you doing this?"

"You were so great last night in bed," He said as he was sucking a spot on my neck, "I just couldn't resist."

I smiled as he finished giving me a love bite. We then walked down to the living room where everyone was passed out.  Connor was on the coutch shirtless with a girl on his lap, Riley was on the floor with a red cup beside his hand, Mitchel had a lamp shade on his head and also had a bottle in his hand still.  The rest of the girls were passed out on the kitchen floor.  This place was a messy hell hole, I'll tell you that.

"Wake up, Connor." said Toby.  It took him a few tries before Connor was awake.  He looked around the room, confused.

"What happened last night?" He asked in his morning voice, rubbing his eyes.

As Toby explained, I went over to Mitchel and lifted the lamp shade off his head.  I nudged him a little bit and gently woke him.  "Mitchel?" I said.  He woke after a few tries.  He looked around the room then looked at me with the same face as Connor had.

"We'll explain everything at breakfast." I told him, and helped him up.  We walked over to the kitchen table and sat down.  Toby got the rest woken up and told the girls that they needed to get home.  They were sad they didn't get breakfast, but the one that was on Connor's lap gave him her phone number and left right behind the other girls when the cab came.

Toby and I made eggs and toast four the five of us.  Once we handed out the last plate, we sat down and started eating.  It was dead silent, as we all looked at one another.  We all had hickey's on our necks.  After counltess minutes of awkard staring, we continued our breakfast and Toby explained to Riley and Mitchel about last night."

"So how are we gonna get these hickey's off our necks?" asked Riley.

I thought for a moment.  "We can go back to my house and i'll put some makeup over it."

They looked at me in silence and laughed.  "Us? With makeup?" said Connor, "we're guys."

"Well it's good at covering up imperfections so why not hickey's?"

They laughed at me some more but agreed on the makeup thing.  "Ya know," said Riley,"one of those girls was really cute." He looked at his hand and his eyes grew wide.  "Her name's Emma and she gave me her phone number last night."

"Awww!" went Mitchel.  This was the first time in awhile Riley had a crush on someone, how couldn't you go in awe?  He blushed a little bit.  "Shut up." he said.

"Text her later today." said Toby.

"No, I shouldn't."

"Or we'll text her for you." said Connor, taking Riley's phone out of his pocket. He grabbed his hand and read the number off of it and put it on his phone. "There," he said,"now text her later."

Just then, the three boys didn't look so well.  "What's wrong?" I asked them.  They began gagging almost. "Feel the breakfast coming up..." said Mitchel, "....and everything else!" They ran upstairs into the bathroom and puked all at once from what sounded like the bathtub.  God did it sound disgusting!

When they came back, Connor looked around the house with a horrific look on his face.  "Guys, we need to clean this house up before mom and dad get pissed at us." he said.  We agreed and help him clean the house.  Afterwards, we headed over my house to get cleaned up....

**SURPRISE!  I'm ending the chapter there! HAHA!  I'm sorry.  But trust me, you'll be happy for chapter seven:)  I added my friend, Emma in this as well:)  Thanks so much for reading and stay tuned for more!<3**

Her Name Is Alice~A Toby McDonough/Before You Exit FanficWhere stories live. Discover now