Chapter Twenty

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Chatper Twenty:

"Wakey, wakey, you two!" I heard a voice say in my ear.

I groan and look over my shoulder to see Connor and Riley with a camera. Connor had a tank on with his pajama pants while Riley was shirtless with his pajama pants on. "What's going on," I mumble, rubbing my eyes, "what time is it?"

"It's 10am," said Riley, "and we're doing a "Day In The Life" video for the fans. Say Good Morning, Toby!"

I take one of my pillows and through it at Riley, hitting the camera, not breaking it. The two laugh and as they are about to walk out of my room, Alice wakes up. I rub my hand up and down her arm softly. "Morning, babe." I said. She turned over and rubbed her eyes. "Mmmorrnning." she mumbled.

"Say hi to the fans, Alice." said Connor. She looked over to the two and looks puzzled. "M-morning?"

"Mom and Dad already got Starbucks for everyone, we just need to make breakfast." said Riley.

"Ok, we'll be down in a minute."

Riley stopped filming and the two went downstairs to the kitchen. I got up and got a shirt on. Alice and I walked down the kitchen to see the two working on breakfast. I saw on the table some Starbucks and ran towards it. I took a sip and it felt like I was in heaven. Alice and the guys looked at me like I was crazy. Mom and dad were in the living room watching the news.

"Morning you two!" Said dad.

"Did you sleep well?" Asked mom.

We both nodded. "Yeah, can't wait for tonight! Hot tub party and all." said Alice.

"Oh yeah," said my mom," you guys have been planning this all summer!" She looked at her watch. "Oh, god, Mark, we've gotta go to work!" They get up and start getting their things together. "Have fun tonight!"

"Yeah, we won't be back till tomorrow night so you kids have fun!" Dad said.

We said our goodbyes as they walked out the door and closed it behind them. Tonight was the night. Tonight, Thomas, Mitchel, and Braiden, are coming over tonight for this hot tub party we have at the end of every summer two days before the first day of school. I was so excited for this night. I always am. These hot tub parties are(I'm gonna sound lame by saying this but) the bomb! It's gonna be even more special because Riley found a lot of beer in the garage and we were gonna have some.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get my stuff back home so I'll be right back." Said Alice, walking towards the door.

"Ok, do you want me to come with you?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I'll be fine."

And with that, she left....

~Alice's POV~

I start walking across the street to my house. I figured Seth was home so I walked in like I thought. Inside though, I saw Seth...drunk. I got scared. What would he do?

"H-hi Seth."

He looked at me weirdly. "What are you doing here, you slut?"

Ouch, that hurt. He's never called me that before. "Uhhmm...j-just getting my bag and bringing it to the McDonough's."

I walk quickly to my room where I saw a large bag on my bed. I grab it and quickly go to the door. But Seth got me by the wrist. His grip was hard and he was twisting. It hurt. I yelled in pain but he then slapped me in the face.

"Shut up, bitch!" He said,"That's what you get you little whore! Always fucking Toby. You always want to be fucked more actually than he does you slut! He doesn't like you and never did. He just feels bad for you because of your scars, you're, you're depression. Now get out of here you ugly whore!"

Her Name Is Alice~A Toby McDonough/Before You Exit FanficWhere stories live. Discover now