Bjorken Telephone

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Ariel and Scarlett raced to the Chill Zone, arriving immediately after the Ice Dancers left. Scarlett hit the Don Box and grabbed the tip. "Take the bud to the Geyser Field of Geysisgil and locate the Don Box."

Confessional: Ariel: "G-geysers? That sounds dangerous..."

They ran to the bus station, where they met the waiting Ice Dancers, who glared at them as the other teams arrived. "Don't even think about getting that bus before us!" Jacques exclaimed.

"You can't stop me from thinking it! Get outta my head!" MacArthur replied. They got in each other's faces, stepping closer and glaring at one another, with MacArthur pushing Ariel out of the way and onto the ground. The bus stopped right behind the Reality TV Bros, and Ariel leaped back up.

"Us first! Ariel exclaimed, as he and Scarlett raced to get on, and quickly racing to get a seat.

Once all the teams were on, the bus took off, and after a short ride, they all got off and ran to the Don Box. Ariel hit it and snatched up the tip. "It's an all in. Broken Icelandic Telephone; we need to hold down the button of a speaker box to hear Don say "please give me my next travel tip" in Icelandic, then run across the Icelandic hot springs, and repeat it to an Icelandic native."

They ran to the speaker box, arriving right after the Cadets. "Vinsamlegast gefa mer mina travel abending." it said.

"Should I press it again?" Ariel asked, as the other team took off.

"No need, come on." Scarlett replied, before they ran into the springs as well.

They dodged all the streams of boiling liquid, thanks to Scarlett's ability to calculate. They reached the native after the Ice Dancers, and Scarlett pushed past them. She was about to say it, but paused, forgetting what it was. "Oh no, what was the phrase again?" she asked, massaging her temple.

"Vinsamlegast gefa mer mina travel abending." Ariel said, and she handed him the tip with a smile. "Yes!" Scarlett stood there shocked.
Dual Confessional: Scarlett: "Ariel, w-when, h-how?! How did you do that?!"                                                 Ariel: (Shrugs)

"Take the helicopter to Skaftafell National Park and find the next Don Box." Scarlett read.

"Come on, the Ice Dancers already left." Ariel said, and they ran to where the helicopter was docked.

They ran in, and smirked at the shocked faces of the Ice Dancers. "You two passed that quickly?" Josee asked.

"Of course. If you two can do it, any idiot can." Scarlett replied, smirking, earning glares from both of them, until the other five teams arrived.

Once they were on, the helicopter quickly took off, and the Ice Dancers continued to glare at the two of them.

Once they landed, they immediately raced off and over to the Don Box, where Ariel got the clue. "It's an either or." he said. "Feast or Fossil. We can either dine on a traditional Icelandic Feast, or find and retrieve one of the intact fossils from the ice cave. Then we must bring it to the Chill Zone or possibly leave." Ariel gulped nervously. "Fossils, we both have very weak stomachs." he said, and she nodded before following him.

They quickly arrived at the ice caves, and as soon as they hit the ice, they began sliding until they stopped before a wall with an intact fossil. "What luck!" Ariel exclaimed, raising his pickaxe with some difficulty.

"Okay, let's first calculate the--"

"Uh, Scarlett?" she looked at him to see he had already freed it and had it in his hand.

"W-what--" she began, but he grabbed her arm and dragged her out.

"Fourth!" Don exclaimed as they passed the Chill Zone.

Dual Confessional: Ariel: "Well... fourth isn't exactly better..."                                                                   Scarlett: "Who cares about that! There is no logical explanation for how you just did that!"   Ariel: (Shrugs)

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