The Shawshank Ridonc-tion

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They both ran to the don box immediately after Devin and Carrie, and Ariel grabbed the tip. "All right, we're going to Australia!"

Dual Confessional: Ariel: "I have always wanted to visit Australia! There are so many things to see!"

Scarlett: "Yes, including the many, many, MANY things that can kill you there."

They ran on the bus, and quickly sat down across from Carrie and Devin.

When the final team stepped on board, they all gasped them; Jacques and Josee with their clothing now changed to mostly black.

"Looks like the Ice Dancers have become the coal dancers." Ariel said, and the other three laughed.

Once they reached the airport they all raced out and into the airport to get onto the plane.

They all quickly fell asleep, until an airhorn was blown over the intercom.

Everyone immediately woke up, and watched as the screen turned on. "Attention teams... This is a boomerang. Find one attached to your travel tip and you can use it at the next Don Box to send another team back to repeat the last challenge.

"It's obvious who we have to use it on if we get one." Scarlett said.

"Right, it's all just a matter of getting one." Ariel replied.

Carrie got up and walked further back in the plane. Shortly after, Scarlett's phone went off.

"How is your phone working on a plane?"Ariel asked.

"Don't worry about it." she replied. "It's a text."

"From who?"

"Kitty, she made me give her my phone number back in Hawaii." Scarlett replied. "Looks like Carrie finally decided to tell Devin."

Confessional: Scarlett: "This should be interesting."

As soon as they plane landed all the teams ran off and headed to the Don Box, where Scarlett grabbed the clue. After quickly reading it, Scarlett grabbed Ariel's arm and they quickly got into a taxi.

Dual Confessional: Ariel: "Carrie asked us to stay away from them while she tells him."

Scarlett: "She said the alliance will be back on afterwards. You know, if she actually ever does tell him.

"Okay, Stop in at Geelong Maximum Security Prison." Scarlett read. She continued reading silently. "Oh, here, first team to today's Chill Zone gets to make a phone call home."

"That's great! I can call Jasmine!" Ariel said.

"We're already in Australia, if anything, you could go visit her." she replied, and he shrugged.

As they drove, they eventually reached traffic, quickly annoying the two passengers. "Is there any way you can pass this?" Scarlett asked.

"I'll pay you." Ariel offered, and the driver smirked before racing through the traffic.

They arrived at the prison almost immediately after Carrie and Devin. "Oh, there you guys are. I thought you abandoned us." Devin said.

"We would never do that." Ariel said, before Scarlett approached Carrie.

"I'm guessing telling him didn't quite work out." she said, and Carrie shook her head in response. The four of them walked up to the door, but were all quickly handcuffed.

"Welcome to Geelong." the guard said, before they were all put into cells, but Ariel was locked up with Devin and Scarlett was with Carrie.

"Well, this didn't turn out how I expected." Ariel said.

"Well, since we're in here, you look for trapdoors, and I'll look for loose bars." Devin replied.

In another cell Carrie was pacing around while Scarlett looked through everything. "Seriously Scarlett, how am I going to tell him?"

"I don't know, but if we don't get out of here now, you may never get the chance to tell him." Scarlett replied.

Back in their cell, Devin was desperately searching around. "Oh, come on! We have to win this round!"

Ariel thought for a minute. "Umm... Devin? There's something I should probably tell you..." he said, as Devin found the file.

He ran over and began sawing the bars on the windows. "Oh yeah? What?"

"Well... I-its about Carrie... She- she's kinda in love with you..." he said, but when he looked up the bars were gone and so was Devin. "Did you hear me?"

"No, tell me later! We have to find Scarlett and Carrie!" he replied. Ariel face-palmed before jumping out after him.

In the other cell, Scarlett had found the trapdoor in the middle of the room, and they both had escaped, and headed to the Don Box, where they met Ariel and Devin. "You guys made it! Great!" Devin exclaimed, before he and Scarlett grabbed the tips.

"It's an all in; Craft a Raft." she read, before they all ran over to the nearby pile of wood, and after a few minutes of building, both teams put their rafts in the water and began paddling down the river, quickly reaching the stepbrothers.

They stopped and pretended to fire weapons at them, but both teams passed them with no hesitation. "What are they doing?" Ariel asked.

"Being comic-book loving, nerdy, losers." Scarlett replied, as they continued paddling.

They eventually reached the dock, and both teams got off and ran to the Chill Zone.

"First and Second Place, congrats!" Don said, and they all cheered. "You've won the phone call home. Don said, as he handed Devin the phone.

"I'm gonna call Shelley, cool? Cool!" he said, before Carrie gave Scarlett and Ariel a nervous look. "Ugh, it keeps going to her voicemail."

"You can keep trying until you reach someone." Don replied.

"Devin, I really need to tell you something before you talk to her." Carrie said as she began to blush. Devin walked away, and Carrie grabbed both their arms as she went after him. "Can I please just tell you-"

"Come on! Pick up!" he said, before the machine got it again. He tried once more. "Voice mail again! Agh!"

Don then walked over. "You can keep trying, but once the final team checks in- time's up."

Devin then began hurriedly typing again, and Carrie turned to Scarlett and Ariel. "Is it bad that I hope he runs out of time?" she asked, and they both nodded.

He tried again, and finally got her. "Shelley! Hi! It's me. Devin. I miss you so mu- whoa, whoa. What? No, we never broke up-- you're dating who?! Ashton?! No, please, Shelley-- don't! Wait!" he exclaimed before she hung up. Don then took the phone. "No! No! I need to call her back!"

"Sorry, one phone call only." he replied. "So, how's the girlfriend?"

"Oh! She's dumped me! For her tennis instructor!" he said, before he began crying.

"Whoa. The tennis instructor? That never happens." Don replied sarcastically.

"Maybe I should tell him now?" Carrie said, and the other two just shrugged. He began crying louder. "Or maybe I'll wait for him to stop sobbing."

"That's probably the better idea." Ariel replied.

Devin kept crying, and the three of them tried hard to console him, but to no avail.

Dual Confessional: Scarlett: "You saw this coming right?"

Ariel: "As soon as you read that the winner would get a phone call home. It's kinda sad, but... yeah, I saw it coming."

Scarlett: "Now, it's all up to Carrie."

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